Egypt's New Mayor: A Woman?

A Woman Mayor - First For Egypt
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A Woman Mayor - First For Egypt
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Human Sacrifice - Fertility Rituals - Magic & Sex Symbols
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The Maypole dance as an important aspect of encouraging the return of fertility to the earth. The pole itself is phallic (representing the male private part) in symbolism and also is the connector of the three worlds of Bith - 1. The Skyworld (heavens), 2. The Middleworld (our world), and 3. The "Otherworld" (world of fairies, angels, demons, etc.)
In ancient Ireland there was a Sacred Tree named Bile, which was the center of the clan, or Tuatha. As the Irish Tree of Life, the Bile Pole, represents the connection between the people and the three worlds of Bith. Although no longer the center life, the Bile pole has survived as the Beltane Maypole.
Dancing around the Maypole during Beltane is supposed to be a magical experience because it represents a conduit of energy, connecting all three worlds at a time when these gateways are more easily penetrable.
As people gaily dance around and around the pole holding the brightly colored ribbons, the energy it raises is sent down into the earth's womb, bringing about Her full awakening and fruitfulness.
There is also a Queen of May. She is said in many areas to have worn a gold crown with a single, gold leaf at its front, in other areas her crown . . .
User Rating: 2 / 5
Islam is the religion of Allah, conveyed by a Recitation (called "Quran" in Arabic) to His prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, through the Arch Angel Gabriel (Jibril, in Arabic) over 14 centuries ago.
The meaning of the word "Islam" immediately indicates a total surrender of the human will to the Will of the Devine Creator of the univerise, in total submission, obedience, sincerity and peace.
User Rating: 2 / 5
Right Wing Group Promotes "Anti-Islam" on Websites
- SANTA ANA, Calif. – Mona Shadia, IFN
Assistant U.S. Attorney Ms. Deirdre Eliot, who told a federal magistrate that Ahmadullah Niazi, brother-in-law of an alleged bodyguard of Osama bin Laden, is a terrorist-sympathizer, is actually in danger of being guilty by association herself, for supporting a right-wing group that has promoted anti-Islamic rhetoric on its Web sites.
In 2004, Eliot gave $2,000 in political contributions to the Lincoln Club of Orange County, ....
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Sunni & Shia - Which One?
The words Sunni and Shia appear regularly in stories about the Muslim world but few people know what they really mean. Religion permeates every aspect of life in Muslim countries and understanding Sunni and Shia beliefs is important in understanding the modern Muslim world.
Read "The Beginnings" . . .
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Charts show abuse claims against U.S. dioceses and costs related to allegations (J. Bell, AP / March 13, 2009)
The church has paid more than $2.6 billion in settlements and related expenses since 1950, according to an annual report released Friday by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The costs to dioceses and religious orders dropped in 2008 by 29 percent, to about $436 million. But 2007 was an unusually high year, when the Archdiocese of Los Angeles began paying its $660 million settlement to about 500 people. It was the largest deal by a U.S. diocese.
New allegations continue to pour in, seven years after the abuse scandal erupted in the Archdiocese of Boston. The crisis put an unrelenting national and international spotlight on the problem and inspired victims to come forward by the hundreds.
"It's proof that victims come forward only when they're able," said David Clohessy, national director of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.
Most of the accused clergy are now dead, missing or already out of public ministry or completely out of the priesthood altogether.
"The overall costs are still very high," said Mary Gautier of the Center for . . .
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Courtesy of The Strategist - American Muslim Alliance e-newsletterJustice Department's Integrity at Stake - says Judge- Alexandria, VA - Judge Leonie Brinkema ruled in favor of a defense request to file a motion to dismiss the charges against Dr. Sami Al-Arian at a hearing in federal court today. Her decision follows new revelations that prosecutors in Florida were opposed to efforts by a Virginia prosecutor to call Dr. Al-Arian to testify in another case. The judge's important decision raises the possibility that Dr. Al-Arian's ordeal could be resolved and that he can finally regain his freedom after six years of grueling legal battles.
During the hearing earlier today, Assistant U.S. Attorney Gordon Kromberg argued for the . . .
User Rating: 2 / 5
"United States Government is really looking BAD . . ."
- American poet, Al Hajj Mauri Salakhan
I was among those who had the pleasure of hearing the arguments yesterday at the US District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, in the precedent-setting and never-ending (it seems) USA vs. Al-Arian case.
(See report - click "Read more . . ")
User Rating: 2 / 5
Gaza Destruction Shocks US Congressmen
By & News Agencies
CAIRO - American lawmakers were shocked by the scale of Israeli destruction they saw on Thursday, February 19, during a rare visit to the war-ravaged Gaza Strip..
"The amount of physical destruction and the depth of human suffering here is staggering," Democratic representatives Brian Baird and Keith Ellison said in a joint statement cited by Agence France Presse (AFP). After touring destroyed areas and meetings with UN officials, the lawmakers said the situation was "shocking and troubling beyond words."
"The personal stories of children being killed in their homes or schools, of entire families wiped out, and relief workers prevented from evacuating the wounded are heart wrenching," Baird said.
Ellison, the first Muslim elected to the US Congress, harshly criticized restrictions on the delivery of desperately-needed goods into the coastal strip that has been under a long-running crippling Israeli blockade.
"People, innocent children, women and non-combatants, are going without water, food and sanitation, while the things they so desperately need are sitting in trucks at the border, being denied permission to go in," he said. "The stories about the children affected me the most," added Ellison. "No parent, or anyone who cares for kids, can remain unmoved by what Brian and I saw here."
The Israeli air, sea and ground attacks killed nearly 1,400 people, half of them women and children. The 22-day onslaught destroyed nearly 20,000 homes, 48 government offices, 31 police stations and 30 mosques across the impoverished territory.
"Good Step"
"By seeing for themselves, they can get a more balanced view than that of the previous administration," said Youssef. (Google)
US Senator John Kerry, chairman of the Senate's powerful Foreign Committee and former presidential candidate, also toured Gaza Thursday. He visited the American school left in ruins by Israel's offensive and Izzbet Abed Rabbo, a northern Gaza community ravaged by the Israeli bombing.
The separate visits were the first by US lawmakers since Hamas, which Washington blacklists as a terrorist organization, seized control of the Gaza Strip in June 2007.
The three lawmakers made it clear that their visits did not have the official sanction of the Barack Obama administration. They held talks with civilians and relief workers but did not meet with any representatives of Hamas. Kerry insisted the visit "does not indicate any shift whatsoever with respect to Hamas."
Hamas officials saw the visits in positive terms nonetheless. "This is a very good step reflecting the seriousness of this administration to follow up and get information about what is happening on the ground," said Ahmed Youssef, the deputy foreign minister in the Hamas-led Gaza government.
He believes it gives hope that the new US administration might depart from the policies of its predecessor. "By seeing for themselves, they can get a more balanced view than that of the previous administration."
The Bush administration has spearheaded an international campaign to isolate Hamas , which came to power after sweeping the Palestinian legislative elections in 2006. It has rejected any contacts with Hamas and backed a crippling Israeli siege on Gaza, home to 1.6 Palestinians. The Bush administration placed the responsibility for the Israeli onslaught squarely on Hamas.
"We know that we are still on the terrorist list and we know their position about not engaging with Hamas," said Youssef. "But we are still happy that they are the ones evaluating the scale of the Israeli crimes and the destruction caused by Israel."
Rep. Ellison toured Gaza for nine hours,
will visit Israeli towns Friday
By Kevin Diaz
February 19, 2009
WASHINGTON -- Rep. Keith Ellison, one of the first high-level U.S. officials to enter the Gaza Strip in more than three years, said he is haunted by the scenes of destruction from Israel's recent military incursion.
"I have an image of a woman sitting in the rubble of her home burned in my head," the Minnesota Democrat said in a cell phone interview Thursday on his way back to an Israeli check-point.
The second floor of the house he visited had collapsed at an angle. Where a family with five children had once lived, "all that remains is a lean-to," Ellison said.
Ellison, who met with Gaza civilians and relief workers for about nine hours Thursday, said he was not there to assign blame for the violence, though he said the civilian devastation he witnessed was hard for him to understand.
On Friday, he plans to tour the Israeli towns of Sderot and Ashkelon, which have been targets of numerous rocket attacks by Hamas forces in Gaza. "I've always believed we need to resolve this thing by diplomacy," said Ellison. "I'm even more convinced of that now."
The trip came amid heightened tensions as Israel declared that it will not open the Gaza Strip's blockaded borders until Hamas insurgents free a captured Israeli soldier. The visit did not have the official sanction of the Obama administration, and the U.S. State Department warned Ellison about its security concerns.
For Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, the Gaza tour is the latest of a series of trips he has made to the Middle East, including a tour of Israel at the behest of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a U.S. lobbying group that advocates for pro-Israel policies.
Steve Hunegs, the executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas, said he is interested in learning how Ellison's trip will shape his views about Israel's conflict with Hamas. "We'll look forward to speaking with him upon his return," Hunegs said.
Ellison, who ran in 2006 as a supporter of Israel, said he is no less so now. "I'm a supporter of Israel, but I'm a supporter of the Palestinians too," he said. "One does not preclude the other."
Ellison, traveling with Rep. Brian Baird, D-Wash., passed through an Israeli checkpoint a little before 7 a.m. local time and was met by relief workers from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. Although it took Ellison several days to obtain a clearance from the Israeli government, he said the formalities at his entrance checkpoint took only 10 minutes. "The Israeli government could have stopped us, but they didn't," he said.
Inside Gaza, they saw first-hand the devastation from Israel's Dec. 27 invasion, which was meant to stem the Hamas rocket attacks against Israeli border towns. He said he saw damaged schools, hospitals and factories, including a manufacturer of sweets and cookies that has had to lay off most of its 250 workers.
Guiding his tour was University of Minnesota graduate Stephanie Fox, of Breckenridge, Minn., who was a member of the U.N. team that accompanied Ellison and Baird. "I feel very honored to help these refugees," Fox said.
Ellison said he was struck by how little hostility he encountered among Gaza's civilians, some who offered him sweet tea along the way. "I was a little reluctant to tell people I am an American congressman, but I experienced no hostility or derision," he said. "People were extremely gentle and dignified."
Nor, he said, did he hear much criticism of Hamas, whose rocket attacks Israel blames for the weeks-long Israeli air and ground attacks. "A lot of people said they aren't part of Hamas, and they don't feel responsible for them."
Ellison said his sharpest exchange was with a television reporter who asked him if he felt responsible for the U.S. arms that are supplied to the Israeli Defense Forces.
"I said I'm just here to learn," said Ellison, who recently joined the House Foreign Relations Committee. "As a member of Congress who is called on to make decisions about U.S. policy, I need to see it, lay eyes upon it, and bear witness."
Baird called the experience "profoundly moving and deeply troubling." Ellison and Baird did not meet with Hamas officials on their tour. But prior to entering Gaza from Jerusalem, they travelled to the West Bank city of Ramallah to meet Riad Malki, foreign minister of the Palestinian Authority.
In January, Ellison was one of 22 House members who abstained from voting for a congressional resolution backing Israel's right to self-defense in its conflict with Hamas.
Though Ellison said he recognizes the Jewish state's right to protect its citizens, he questioned the resolution for making little mention of the human suffering in Gaza. On Thursday, Ellison called for an easing of the Israeli blockade, particularly for food and humanitarian goods, and for an end to the rocket attacks against Israel.
Staff Writer Mitch Anderson contributed to this report.
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ICC Zeroing in on Israeli War Crimes?
Tue, 10 Mar 2009 11:20:59 GMT
The International Criminal Court prosecutor is exploring ways to launch an investigation into alleged Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip.
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User Rating: 2 / 5
Festival of Arabic Arts - In U.S.A?
John F. Kennedy Center In Washington, D.C. All This Week
WASHINGTON, Feb 23, 2009 (AFP) -
This week in here, in the nation's capitol in what is to be the largest ever Arab arts festival ever held, the U.S. will host the event while at the same time . . .
When asked about the Arabic Art Festival and recent TV program featuring Laila Khalid (Palestinian woman accused of hijacking) and similar programs focusing more on the human side of Muslims, one Muslim who preferred not to give his name says, "President Barack Hussein Obama has promised to "Reach out" to Muslims - and we see that he delievers on his promises (so far anyway)."
User Rating: 3 / 5
Cell Phone - In Salat?
- Yusuf Estes
You're in salah and someone's cell phone rings? And they answer it?!
You know how it is - Friday Jummuah salah - everyone is silent - imam is giving the khutbah - Suddenly "Nokia theme song" da-da-ddadd-daa-daa.
You look around thinking, "What idiot forgot to shut off his cell phone?" But then you notice -
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It's New & Exciting! Islam Newsroom will start presenting videos you suggest for our viewers. |
Yusuf Estes on Guide US TV See More - [click here] |
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Letter from a new Muslim -
"Everything about Islam sounded good in the beginning. But now, some brothers are telling me this and that and now it all seems too hard."
"Brother . . How long are your pants?" "Brother . . . How long is your beard?" "Brother . . . What are you eating?" "Brother . . . Is that a halal candy?" "Brother . . . Go back outside and come in the right foot" "Brother . . . Did you make wudu on your socks from up or down?"
So much, so fast... how can the new Muslims stay in Islam?
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At Last - New Events Calendar OPEN - Find Scholars & Teachers - Where? When? What? Who?
Find out who is where and why and how to find them - all new site design - check it out and share the info with all your lists.