Yusuf Estes Says, "I Started Islam Websites in 1998 and my best success was - without "Google Ads"
Our sites do good even with strict rules: No videos debating or attacking other religions - & 100% child safe.
Bottom line: NO JUNK...
www.IslamToday.com - www.IslamTomorrow.com, www.IslamYesterday.com, www.IslamAlways.com, www.IslamNewsroom.com (this site)
When we tried Google Ads and Yahoo! Ads we were very disappointed in the high costs and false readings in visitors we received.
In spite of that, our little websites became very popular with even non-Muslims. Everywhere we go people tell us how much they appreciate having something of this high moral value, excellent quality and professional approach to presenting Islam.
W are proud to say, Allah has granted us wonderful and amazing success in helping people come to Islam, Al Hamdulillah.
Our little websites manage to grow to the number one position in many search engines (including Google's) and show videos of Islam being uploaded by the visitors themselves.
For over 11 years, we have had our website domains for Islam containing many combinations of different words, starting with ISLAMTODAY. Some of our domain names are in English and other words from Arabic to English letters - like "Allah" and "Islam".
When you have over 5,000 domains, it is not too hard to have words people will be looking for in search engines (like Google) depending on the subject matter.
GOOGLE.COM, is the owner of YOUTUBE.COM and it has an attorney firm on some type of financial arrangement trying to scare people into giving them their website domain names if they contain anything with the sound or appearance of the words like "tube", "you", "youtoo", "youtube", "tubeyou" or even words like "tub", if connected in some way with anything like "U".
Earlier this year, Google's law firm tried to give us a hard time about our website, saying it was using their trademark, in hopes we would just hand over a million dollar website for free - to them so they can advertise on it and propagate nonsense against Islam.
First they said our logo and images were identical to theirs - a big lie. They don't have anything even close to what we have. Our logo is animated with blue moving rectangle behind it, all on a dark background. Look at their site and compare for yourself.
Then they changed their direction and called us up on the phone saying we should give them the domain because they are owned by Google, the biggest and most powerful company on the Internet and they can make it difficult for anyone who gets in their way.
Of course, that didn't work with me. I told them to "want in one hand and spit in the other and see which one fills up first."
Then they came up with the idea that our domain name sounded too much like theirs and it was confusing people who use the Internet.
For that reason, went to the controllers of the Internet itself with their claim and requested what is called "arbitration".
Come on now...
Does anyone really have trouble making a distinction between the word "youtube" and "youtubeislam"?
Does anyone really have trouble making a distinction between the word "youtube" and "youtubeislam"?
Fact is, Google got sued for exactly what they claimed we were doing - but in their case there really was no difference in the sound.
The name they bought (for 1.3 BILLION DOLLARS) is known as YOUTUBE.COM and the company who sued them had their own domain on the Internet for ten years before they did - as UTUBE.COM.
The name they bought (for 1.3 BILLION DOLLARS) is known as YOUTUBE.COM and the company who sued them had their own domain on the Internet for ten years before they did - as UTUBE.COM.
Go ahead, pronounce them one after the other and ask someone if they can tell the difference.
(read the whole story on our newsroom website: http://www.islamnewsroom.com/news-mainmenu-28/916-youtubecom-sued-by-utubecom.html)
And Google's own search engine could not avoid putting it on top of any search with the words "islam" and "you" or "tube".
They hated that. Why? Because they didn't get to make money or attack Islam out of the deal.
Without notification in advance, our server, Godaddy.com sent an email stating due to a decision made by arbitration on the Internet, they are going to give our domain name to GOOGLE.COM.
Ramadan is almost here - what will we do about this? Will they use our sites to make more money from advertising haram things and allowing videos attacking Islam and everything it stands for?
We will let the courts decide what is legal and who is the rightful owner of YoutubeISLAM.com
In the meantime, we encourage all the believers to remember only Allah gives victory and whoever believes in Allah and is working righteousness will never fail, inshallah.
Just pray for us and keep sharing the message and let people know - we will not give up.
Meanwhile we have other websites for videos - a lot of websites for videos.
Even if we no longer have the name YOUTUBEISLAM.COM > we do have other names (lots of them) to put in its place, like www.ISLAMYOUTUBE.COM
Our websites are dedicated to presenting Islam in simple English terms, without charge and without advertising.
Why not copy this story and send it to everyone you know?
How about contacting your local news papers, radio and TV stations, tell everyone you know on the forums, blogs, websites, emails and text messages SMS.
Maybe - Maybe NOT...
Jazakallah kair was salam alaykum,
Yusuf Estes