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ISLAM NEWSROOM UPDATE - Dr. Bilal Philips & I.O.U. Thursday, March 19, 2015
Top Scholars Around the World Join Dr. Bilal Philips on I.O.U.
Islamic Online University provides FREE instruction & Diploma upon graduation!
Best teachers, scholars and presenters of Islamic knowledge provide you the first-ever of its kind -
Dr. Bilal Philips has taken on the challenge of teachings the true Islamic knowledge on university level - FOR FREE
Everyone's talking about the latest and easiest way to gain Islamic education - online and at home. You can get your Islamic diploma at home - online - AND FREE
And get fully acredited degrees in Islamic knowledge - the E-Z way (low price for degrees)
Now you can do it too! Join up and start learning TODAY!
And featuring Dr. Bilal Philips' Online Class
ISLAMIC ONLINE UNIVERSITY Imagine, soon you have an Islamic diploma in your hand - And NEVER leave home! And not spend even one dollar (or dinar, or peso, or buck, or pound, or durham, or rupee - OK you get the idea). Everyone's talking about the latest and easiest way to gain Islamic education - online and at home. You can get your Islamic diploma at home - online - AND FREE And get fully acredited degrees in Islamic knowledge - the E-Z way (low price for degrees) Imagine, soon you have an Islamic diploma in your hand - And NEVER leave home! And not spend even one dollar (or dinar, or peso, or buck, or pound, or durham, or rupee - OK you get the idea). Totally Free diploma courses put into fully organized study program. Contains introduction of basic Islamic sciences and insight into (manhaj) or way of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, contained in Quran & authentic hadith . . . Back on April 1st, 2010 Islamic Online University (IOU) launched the world's first tuition-free, Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies in English all online. Now get a recognized degree in various levels of Islam the same way - At Home, Online - And all for very small amount to invest in your future. This major new step to help Muslims around the world fulfill Prophet's order to seek knowledge of deen and correct our understandings of Islam. Read More... Questions - Answers "Where can I learn Islam ONLINE - From real scholars and teachers of Islam? Read comments from new students. "Exciting!" - "Interesting" - "I learned so much about Islam, after only 3 classes I became a Muslim - Al Hamdulillah." - "Keep this up, we all love it" ~ |
(no diplomas - but FREE)
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Classes with - Sheikh Assim Al Hakim, Salem Al Amry and others.
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Plus - 24 hour Help Line on ALCI (Automated Learning Center of Islam):
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Yes, now you can learn, study, ask questions and be able to explain Islam in simple EZ English terms. Just tune in to and join in (also:
Explaining Islam to non-Muslims was never so easy and fun at the same time. This is so important these days. Chat is dedicated to presenting the simple message of Islam in simple English terms.
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"Da'wah" means "invitation" in Arabic and the concept is not to "convert" people to Islam, rather to help them understand the correct message through education and understanding. Living the example of a good Muslim is a definite part of inviting others to Islam.
Learn the critical details of explaining Allah and His Deen of Islam:
What if someone asks you, "What's Islam?" You send them to
If someone asks about Quran?
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him?
Compare Christian to Muslim?
Questions about Allah?
Proofs of Quran?
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