Do "good people" Go to Hell -

Because They Aren't Muslims?

Because They Aren't Muslims?
Does Islam say only Muslims go to Paradise?
First of all - "Good people" don't go to Hell.
Good people go to Paradise but - those who do not worship God - Or they won't worship Him by His way -According to God -
They are not "good people" because they do not obey Him nor do they follow His Commandments.
Good people go to Paradise but - those who do not worship God - Or they won't worship Him by His way -According to God -
They are not "good people" because they do not obey Him nor do they follow His Commandments.
First word is "Allah" - it was the word used by people of the Holy Land (Jerusalem, Palestine) before there was an English language. It is the perfect word for monotheistic religion because it does not allow for any partnerships or associates. The word carries a very deep and clear meaning in Arabic and does not allow for making it plural or to have gender. The word "Allah" cannot be made into more than one and cannot have an "s" at the end of it like "gods". Also, it cannot be understood to mean a male or a female. - Details
Long before there was the English word "god" (from the Celtic word "gut").
Second word is "Islam" - this word comes from the root sa-la-ma and it has five words in English composing this one word in Arabic:
"Surrender, Submission, Obedience, Sincerity and Peace" - Details
"Surrender, Submission, Obedience, Sincerity and Peace" - Details
Third word is "deen" - it does not mean simply, religion as many translators have used. It would have to be a compound word in English if translated correctly. It would mean something like: way of life - what a person does and is - complete make-up of someone - what he is all about
We have tried to use it in the proper context by saying "religious way of life in all things a person does" - but even then the English is weak and cannot properly define this strong word. - Details
Now let's consider what has been revealed in the oldest of scriptures for the monotheistic religions for centuries:
"Thou shall not have any other gods beside me"
(Old testament - Exodus 20)"Know O Israel, the Lord your God is One Lord and you have to love Him with all your heart,
all your mind and all your strength"
(Mark 12)"God's Will be done on earth"
(Lord's Prayer)"No god to worship, except God"
(Last Testament - Quran, chapter 4:48)
Seems clear enough to us. If you believe in the God of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon all of them, then you know this is the same "God" who ordered the people to worship Him, on His terms, in places where He commanded.
If you don't believe in Him, then why worry about how to worship Him?
If you do beleive in Him, then why would you want to make up your own religion and expect Him to accept this made-up religion, when He has given no authority for it?
Ask yourself a question, "What was it that caused Adam and Eve to be cast out of Heaven?"
Did they lie? Did they kill someone? Did they do drugs, drink alcohol or steal something or commit some horrible crimes?
They just ate a piece of fruit from a tree.
Why don't you ask about this?
Why would Allah Almighty God, remove the first two humans out of Paradise just for eating fruit? Was it a special tree He was saving for Himself? (No)
It was a commandment to test them. And they failed.
But notice this, He did not kick them out into Hell. He put them on earth to continue their lives and populate the earth with more of their kind. Human beings who make mistakes.
Notice too, Islam says both Adam and Eve asked for forgiveness and they were forgiven. This is not the story from the Bible that has Eve being totally responsible for the whole episode. Rather, Adam is held responsible for what he has done, just as Eve is held responsible for what she has done. You might note, Eve also was not given all the punishments mentioned in the Bible, being cursed and having a "monthly curse" and cursed in child-bearing, etc. These things in Islam are blessings for women - check it out:
Here is what Quran says about those who followed the previous prophets (Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, John the Baptist, etc.):
And they were commanded nothing more than to worship Almighty God, alone without partners, being sincere in deen (God's religion) keeping it pure from corruption and staying true and to establish proper worship and to give in charity. And that is the correct and true deen (way of life in submission to God in worship). 98:5So whoever does good equal to the weight of an ant, shall see it then. (99:7)And whoever does evil equal to the weight of an ant, shall see it. (99:8)
Allah the Almighty, tests people in many things in their lives. The important question you and I and all of the humans will be asked after death is this:
"Who was your Lord?"
"What was your way of worshipping Him (this is called 'deen' in Arabic)?"
"Who was your messenger (prophet)?"
Here are a few verses from Quran to consider:

Certainly, the deen (way of worship) with Allah is only Islam (submission to Him in sincerity and peace). 3:19
And whoever desires a deen (way of worship or religion) other than Islam (submission to God, in sincerity and peace) as prescribed by Almighty God - then He will never accept it from him, and in the Hereafter, will be among the losers." 3:85
Say, "Allah told the truth. So follow the religion of Abraham, incline toward truth; and he was not of the polytheists." 3:95
What about the people who don't know about Islam but they do believe in the God of Abraham and Moses, etc? Let's see what the Quran has to say about the "People of the Book" (Those who go along with the Bible), when they have not been properly introduced to Quran and Islam.
They are not all the same -among the People of the Book (Bible) is a community standing [in obedience], reciting the verses of God during periods of the night and prostrating [in worship]. 3:113
The believe in Almighty God and the Last Day, and they command righteousness and they forbid evil and hurry to do good deeds. And these are among the righteous. 3:114
And any good they do - will never be taken away from them. And Almighty Allah is Knowing of the righteous. 3:115
Now let's see what happens to those who do know, they have been shown the truth and proof has been provided to them, but they continue to disbelieve.
Certainly, those who disbelieve - never will their wealth or their children avail against Almighty God at all, and they are the companions of the Fire; they will reside in there forever. 3:116Sahih International: Nor did those who were given the Scripture become divided until after there had come to them clear evidence.
Again, it seems crystal clear from these verses, no one is being punished without cause and each and everyone of the people are being judged according to what they knew and what they wanted.
Perhaps if anyone knows a better way, they might like to tell Almighty God about their new religion for Him (I don't recommend this).
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Thank you for writing and please stay in touch. Peace - salam alaykum,
Yusuf Estes
Director for
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