Pakistan Earthquake: Live Update

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LIVE UPDATE -  EARTHQUAKE IN PAKISTAN  - November 2, 2008 6:37 A.M.

Active Image They got tents! Al Hamdulillah

"We have a man in Quetta for the latest and most accurate updates - and we asked him if he would help us to decide whether or not we might do a live appeal on TV for fund raising.

Abdullah in Pakistan:

According to Unicef, more than 100,000 are homeless but InshaAllah we should be getting more accurate personalised reports later today - and there are reports that the temperature is in 30's Farhenheit already.

But on the local scene there on the ground, just outside of the small city of Quetta, the latest report from our man in Pakistan is, the tents and warm clothes are arriving in ample quantity. This is good news. 

Now the bad news . . .

The real problem is the homeless people. They need materials to build with and  construction material to re-construct their homes. When rebuilding their own homes they dont need labour they just need equipment and they dont need any extravagant material since they are only seeking to replace the simple life they had before.

Regarding the food items; these are coming too but they dont have the means to cook it so they also need gas cylinders for cooking on.

We have a group going out today, scheduled to come back later in the evening and they are committed to sending us email with details, inshallah.

We'll be running those updates as soon as we have them, on our site at:

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