ISLAM ~ What is it? Islam began in Arabia and was revealed to humanity by the Prophet Muhammad. Those who follow Islam are called Muslims.
Muslims ~ Who are they? Muslims are followers of Islam and as such they believe in only one God - Allah.
Allah ~ Who is He? The Arabic word for God is not "Allah" - it is "elah". The word "Allah" comes from the same root as "elah" but it carries a deeper meaning of "Oneness" or monotheism. Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them, all believed in the same One Almighty God of the Universe and they all pronounced his name as: ALLAH
Quran ~ Who wrote it?
 The Quran
"Quran" ("recitation") is the actual speech of Almighty Allah to the angel Gabriel who communicated it to the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, in stages over 23 years. Details:
Other Questions ~ Abortion? 
Not under ordinary circumstances. Muslims regard abortion as haram (forbidden), but most accept that it may be permitted in special life-threatening cases.
Smoking ~ Is it "haram" (forbidden) - or just "frowned on"?
Smoking ciggerettes or using tabacco in any form is not permitted due to the risk of serious diseases and death and also because it causes disease and death even in the innocent people who breath in the second hand smoke.
