Fake Quran by Anis Shorrosh!
Get the Facts:
Anis Shorrosh part of a small, private evangelical Christian group in the United States - wrote a book titled The True Furqan - They wanted to convert Muslims to their twisted version of Christianity!
The U.S. Gov. website says - this group has no connection with the U.S. government - which has posted the whole story on the U.S. Government website!
Fake Quran?
Lies about U.S. Government's involvement?
What's going on?
Who would do this?
His name? - Anis Shorrosh, Christian Missionary and author of "Fake Quran"
Remember Anish Shorrosh? The one who debated against Ahmad Deedat while wearing Muslim Arab clothes?
Get the real facts about the "Real Quran" and the "Fake Furqan"
The Allegations
Shorrosh is likely behind claims that the United States is "forcing Muslims to renounce the Quran and adopt the book Al Furqan al-Haqq (The True Quran)," according to a July 2, 2004 Internet report by the Palestinian Information Center
(Note: for some reason, their website stopped working(?) http://www.palestine-info.net/)
They claim:
- The first edition of The True Quran was published secretly in the United States and Israel.
Lies! -
The True Quran was drafted with direct Israeli participation and with direct instructions from U.S. President George Bush.
More Lies! - Twelve more books will be published as part of The True Quran series.
- All Lies!
True Facts
- Anis Shorrosh confessed - he is the source of this translated work in Arabic language.
Shorrosh, attempted to make a name for himself by debating with the late Ahmed Deedat about the Bible and Quran now openly admits, he is the man behind this man-made fabrication that he calls "The True Furqan". - "It was written in Arabic and translated into English by evangelical Christian Arabs" says Shorrosh.
- He also states, The True Furqan is an attempt by evangelical Christian Arabs to convert Muslims to Christianity, and he describes it as "a tool to evangelize Muslims."
- Shorrosh claimed the book is "similar to the Quran -- but contains the gospel message."
Video on TUBE ISLAM.com Anis Shorrosh ARRESTED
In another unrelated story, Shorrosh has been arrested for setting fire to his own home while claiming "Radical Muslims" are out to get him.
More on this story: www.TubeIslam.com/view_video.php?viewkey=c30ed03e42ce2c069566
Related story and proof of documents removed - www.IslamNewsroom.com/news-we-need/519
Try it and see (it's changed to anti-semitic story) http://usinfo.state.gov/media/Archive/2005/Apr/21-987519.html
Want to learn about the "Real Quran"? AllahsQuran.com
Translation of the Meanings of Quran? www.Qtafsir.com