• Dr. Jamal Badawi is the director of the Islamic Information Foundation, Halifax, Canada. Dr. Badawi is a Professor of Management at Saint Mary University in Halifax.
• He has authored several books and articles on Islam and designed and participated in the production of nearly 350 half-hour segments of a TV series on Islam.
• He has lectured extensively in North America and abroad, and is an excellent speaker on a variety of topics including Islam and Christianity.
• He is an expert in Christian-Muslim Dialogues.
• Dr. Badawi is also a member of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Fiqh Council.
• Dr. Jamal Badawi is a Professor from St. Mary’s University, Canada. An Egyptian by birth, he obtained his Ph.D. in Business Administration.
• Active in journalism and broadcasting he has had a series of programs concerning Islamic belief and practices shown on Canadian television throughout the world.
• President of the Islamic Information Foundation, Canada, he is the author of a number of books and articles on Islam.