You Tube Zoo Site

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Zoos of the World Site Development

1. Select zoos around the world with camera monitors on various animal exhibits
2. Make arrangements to broadcast webcam through internet sites
3. Install webcam broadcasting software and Internet Service Provider hosting
4. Secure appropriate domain names
5. Develop websites and integrate software
6. Contract artists and graphic designers to enhance site appearance and appeal
7. Use code developers to produce interactive FLASH files presentations
8. Site test features and options with developers
9. Open test site for limited access

Ready for full Internet access and marketing.

Online Promotion and Traffic Building
1. Utilize domain name impression
2. Feed search engine data banks
3. List on site statis pages

Co-ordinate integration with sites of similar and like interests

Promote with banners and site ads
Track visits and view statistics

Build reports stats on weekly, monthly and annual basis for continued tracking.

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