Answers to Harsh Questions on Islam

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Harsh Questions

Convert Asks:

How Can I Answer?


Bismillah Rahman Raheem. Salam alaykum, I know there are a lot of Harsh, QUESTIONS & INSULTS about Islam. We Muslims shlould prepart 

New Muslims (and old Muslims too) are concerned about "harsh questions" and attacks against Islam, Quran, Allah and our prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

What should the response be to these inuendos? How can we deal with them? What should we say (or not say)?

These are the questions we want to answer (end of this article). 

But first, read one of many letters coming to us from young Muslims and converts to Islam.

How do we deal with insults and harsh questions?"

Dear Sheikh, salam alaykum,

I want to tell you something - but please don't use my name. OK?

I must admit I did something recently I am ashamed of; I lost my temper due to the constant provoking of some islamophobe people in a discussion.

I got so angry from the constant barrage of random hadith and stories portraying our Prophet as a sadistic and calculated murderer, I did something I shouldn’t have:

I questioned their right to have a legitimate concern about Islam.

I actually stated something like what right do you have to even begin to tell me about what Islam is and isn’t? 

After all, I am the convert right?

Plus many more rash things, this was my first mistake.

Truth is, I was hurt and worried. Except I chose to hide my concern behind my ego.

I was hurt, from people who find my religion to be evil. I was worried too, maybe I was wrong about this whole thing.

But how could I be? I’m the guy who has read hundreds of books and articles on Islam, the guy who has studied with Shuyukh and discussed things with PhD graduates, and much more!

It was actually a type of comfort blanket, to try and cover the real issue: "Muslims believe the punishment for apostacy is death - usually by beheading or some other horrible thing.

OK - this concern might be valid. It’s a human rights issue after all. It’s clear regardless of what Islam actually “is” and isn’t, regardless of who explains what, they already have an irrational xenophobic hate against Islam and Muslims.

If any hadith contradicts the Qur’an, then is not valid? Another popular response. But it also avoids the issue and sweeps everything under the carpet.

These, I think, are symptoms of the plight us “Western Muslims” face today; lack of access to our religious heritage, and those that have that knowledge are not fulfilling their roles in the community properly, or simply do not understand their community altogether.

Does this mean, what happens is necessarily “right”? As far as I am concerned, not necessarily. A number of thoughts began to grow in my mind:

  • What makes one opinion more valid than another?
  • What makes something “Halal” and “Haram”?
  • How is killing an apostate “Islam”, when Muslims themselves disagree with it?
  • What allows opinions to flourish, even opposed positions?

How can people (Muslim and non-Muslim) point to an issue and state “this is REAL Islam”, simply dismissing the opinions and ideas from others, especially other Muslims?

These are questions raised in my mind, with this particular issue as a catalyst. I will attempt to get these issues out and explain my thoughts in a few weeks Inshallah.

What does Islam (not just a scholar or imam) say about such a thing as "murted" (leaving Islam)?

Thank you and salam alaykum,

A New Brother to Islam.

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For example in general, "Answers to Harsh Questions"

First visit our research site at: and then type in the words "harsh" and "question"

Then the search engine will take over and provide you with articies on many topics including how to present your reply and response to these harsh attacks against Islam.