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week gods 
WEEK? or Weak?

ISLAM NEWSROOM ~ "News We Need - When We Need It"

We asked ChatGPT: "What is the origin of the days of the week?"

See what ChatGPT answered:

Names of the days of the week have fascinating origins, primarily rooted in ancient cultures and languages.

  1. 1sun god Sunday: Named after the Sun. The Old English term "Sunnandæg" means "Sun's day,"
    reflecting its association with the Sun in many cultures.
  2. 2 moon god Monday: Named after the Moon. The Old English "Monandæg" translates to "Moon's day,"
    mirroring the Latin "dies Lunae."
  3. 3 Zues go Tuesday: Named after Tiw (or Tyr), the Norse god of war and the sky. The Old English "Tiwesdæg"
    means "Tiw's day," paralleling the Latin "dies Martis," named after Mars, the Roman god of war.
  4. 4 Woden god Wednesday: Named after Woden (or Odin), the chief god in Norse mythology. The Old English "Wodnesdæg"
    means "Woden's day," similar to the Latin "dies Mercurii," named for Mercury.
  5. 5 thor war god Thursday: Named after Thor, the Norse god of thunder. The Old English "Þūnresdæg"
    translates to "Thor's day," analogous to "dies Iovis," named after Jupiter.
  6. 6 Frigg Friday: Named after Frigg (or Freya), the goddess of love and fertility. The Old English "Frīgedæg"
    means "Frigg's day," corresponding to "dies Veneris," named after Venus.
  7. 7 Saturn Saturday: Named after Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture. The Old English "Sæternesdæg"
    translates to "Saturn's day," directly from the Latin "dies Saturni."

week gods

 These "gods" made up our week ~
Constantine was the head of the cult worshipping the sun. Could this is why the Roman Empire, when it took over a sect of Christians in Turkey (325 A.D. in Nicaea) forced Christians to change the day of worship from Saturday (Sabbath Day) to Sunday?



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