Faith - IN WHAT?

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They Ask, "How Do They Have Such Faith?"
FB Allah Knows 2Find Out How They Believe

Islam NewsRoom UPDATES

People are asking questions about the people of Gaza, like:

"What is it about the Muslims?" "How can they have such strong spirit?" "Why are they able to stand for the situation they are in?" "Is there something we can learn from them?"

The basic questions are answered by the "Speech" or "Recitation" of Almighty Allah (God). For instance: 

1) “Where did we come from?" --
2)  "What about 'evolution'?" --
3) "Science says, there is no god! What do you say?"
4) "Is there really life after death?" -- 
5) "How can we believe in 'God’, with is so much evil going on?" -- 

Now we come to the real questions . .

6) "Is there really a God?" --
7) "Is God really ONE? And what about 'trinity'?" -- 
8) "Is there any proof or evidence for God? -- 
9) "What is my purpose in life?" -- 

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