Vote Muhammad

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INR Muhammad Wins vote


It's Official - Muhammad Won!

All Muslims, everywhere choose Muhammad, peace be upon him, for their leader and life example.

1/4 of world's population are followers of Muhammd (and GROWING EVERY DAY).

You can WIN TOO!

God Will guide all who pray DIRECTLY to HIM (no partners with God - 1st Commandment)

Say these words:

"Ash-Hadu An-Laa eelaha illah Allah. Wa Ash-hadu anaMuhammad ar-Rasoolullah"

(I bear witness, there is no god to worship, except Allah. And I bear witness, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)

If you really mean this - "I want to surrender, submit, obey, in sincerity to Almighty God, the God of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, peace be upon them all", then you are really the big winner in this life.

Now - Get ready for The Wonderful Eternal Life Hereafter!