Sis Hijabi Helps Lady (viral)

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UK sister helps old lady sm

Islam Newsroom Update - Muslim Lade - Sees 84 yr old lady collapse after head stuck in door!

A photo of a Muslim woman holding the hand of an old lady who fell down on a bus has racked up tens of thousands of shares on social media.

UK sister helps fallen lady viral

Muslim Hijabi on E17 bus in London - Sees 84 yr old lady collapse after head stuck in door!

Hamza O Bakri, who too photo and witnessed all of it, told about it on Facebook

"An 84 year old lady just got her head stuck between the door and metal pole on El1 bus from Ilford to Barking, and the Muslim lady held her hand and supported her for 20 minutes untill the ambulance arrived."
"This is the real Islam," he continued. 

This post was shared over thousands of times. 
One user wrote: "I think people of the UK should seriously wake up, it's not religion that causes war, it's politics and the d******s we as a nation vote for. I just hope the injured lady is recovering. Bless her."

Bethany Roberts wrote: “People need to realise the terrorists are not Muslims … real Muslims are actually such a lovely community of people.” 

According to Hamza, the bus driver had driven over a "drain" which caused the vehicle to briefly sway, and made the old lady fall.


According to online news source INDEPENDENT (June 9, 2017)