ISLAM NEWSROOM - Update on Yusuf Estes Condition
-- He's OK for now. But NO MORE - climbing tress with poison oak or poison ivy - Doc said so.
Now everyone wants to know, "What happened to him - after Islam?"
Yusuf Estes can tell his own story in his own words - If you can catch him long enough to sit down to tell you about it . . AND WE DID!
Here's what he said to us:
"Everyone asks me, 'How did you get to islam?' . . and I tell them the story of my father introducing me to a Muslim from Egypt - How I tried to convert the man to Christianity -
But it wasn't long, only a few months when I began to see the Light of Islam - the beautiful and wonnderful understandings and life instructions to help us all get through it - with salvation from Above.
I put my head on the ground, in the dirt and asked Almighty God, for His Will to be done on earth, as it is in heaven. I just said, 'God, Guide me' and that's when I came into Islam.'
"That was over 25 years ago. Now I want to talk about - AFTER ENTERING ISLAM" - But, I just never have enough time . . .
"Wait - I have an idea - Take a look at some of these photos (maybe you're in one?)
See who you see & what's going on -- Leave a comment and let me know - I'll get more shots & put them up soon!":
Recognize anyone you know . . .
(leave comments at the bottom for others to see)
"I'll keep sending the pictures, you let me know if anyone comments, OK?"
"Really enjoyed these guys - Where you there too?"
-- Leave me a message (end of the page) I would love it"
Recongize anyone yet? --- Keep looking! We got more - LOT'S MORE . . .
Did you recognize Ahmad Mansoor from Al Jazeera TV?
What about Mufi Menk? Abdurraheem McCarthy?
Now look real close . . . Maybe you?
Maybe someone you know? Maybe "yes" maybe "no"?
From iEra Team in UK? What's his name ? ?
That's Farid Hamid on the left (white thobe),
then Ahmad Mansoor, then me...
Bottom right? JOHN FONTAIN from UK
Reconize the Ex-bishop from Washington?
Wonderful man! Then me . .
Then - wait, is that Robert ? ?
on the end is John Fontain, again . .
We all know Bill Cosby - I loved his kid shows (did you?)Bottom, on my right (your left)
is Mamdou Mohamed (Egypt scholar)Hey! Do you see Dr. Zakir Naik???
Sanfor Pass (left side)? on the bottom?
(I'm teaching him how to count to 1)Anyone you know yet?
Well, there sure is one I know - right there on the bottom -
Well, that's little Maryam Masood our #1 Reciter
. . . and youngest presenter on Guide US TVRECONIZE TEAM FROM ISLAMIC RELIEF?
Name them all - if you can...
B & W on top -- That's me & my buddy translator in Qatar
Anyone else you know?
(what about John Fontain on bottom right?)O.K. top right - Dr. Muhammad Salah
U.A.E. Prince (lovely chap) with Quran
John Fontain, me, ex-Bishop Micah (great guys)Look close - Real close - CLOSER - CLOSER
You should know at least one . . Bottom right - Mueen Qadri & John Fontain (Judo contest in UK)
I gotta take a break for suhur & fajr - more later - OK?
[Left to right - me, Saed Rageah, Sheikh Assim,
Nouman Ali Khan, Mufti Menk & Dr. Muhammad Salah]Some photos here are duplicates - (but it's free, right?)
So many wonderful memories
(well, partial memories - I don't remember everyone's name)Look at the two little ones in the middle - CUTE!
And of course - Ummrah in Makkah - AMAZING!
Someone asked us, "What's with the finger up in the air?"
So, a brother told them, "1st photo is Free!"
Top: Ummrah - Visit to brother
Center - Noor Masjid in Dublin, Ohio
Bottom left - A school I think?
Bottom right - Harris Tobin & Me in Hajj
Beautiful Masjid (top)
India Peace Conference (mid left) - Al Jazeerah NY (mid right)
Not sure on either of the bottom ones..Guide US TV (top left) - Airport? (top right)
Two TALL GUYS with me - (center)
Me, Yusuf Chambers (UK), Abdurraheem McCarthy (bottom left)
Ready to eat - but NO FOOD (bottom right)Travels All Around the World & Around the Corner
All for the sake of Allah & His Message of
Friends & Kids (center) India Peace Conference
Islamic Relief (bottom left) - Food (bottom right)On the Move & Guide US TV (top)
Spelling Lesson (can you spell 'GUIDE US TV'?) Center
Islam Newsroom (center - duplicate)
Me & Abduraheem Green (iEra) U.K.Dr. Zakir Naik (top Left) Yusuf Chambers (U.K), Mufit Menk,
me, Dr. Muhammad Salah, Nouman Ali Khan (top right)
Mufti Menk, Abdurraheem McCarthy, me (center left),
me on TV (center right), Brothers in UK (bottom left), me on TVFREE Bumper Stickers (top left) - Huda TV (top right)
Back stage at Huda TV (center left) -
Take A Break on Huda TV (center right)
Peace Conference Dubai (lower left)
Dr. Sabil Ahmed {Gain Peace} & Ejaz Chicago (lower right)
Mutahhir, Falcon & me (upper left),
Bumper Sticker WINNERS (LOL top right)
India Peace Conference (center left), me 1980s & me in 2004
me in 2013 & me with POISON OAK (last weekend - June 2016)Conference (upper left), Huda TV (upper right)
me (center) What's Islam
Farid Hamid, Ahmed Mansour (Al Jazeera TV) me (lower)See John Fontain (UK) - center left! Anyone else you know?