Protester Hates - Then Hugs - NOW THREATS!

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First HATE - Then HUGS -
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Now Threats!

ISLAM NEWSROOM - "Hate Turns to Hugs - Hugs Turn to Threats!"

They said, "It's too good to be true" (looks like they're right).. READ:

Dublin, Ohio - The Noor Islamic Center here in Dublin, Ohio was on high alert, complete with armed guards, the police standing by, reporters and journalists everywhere. All anticipating streams of protestors, picketers, Islam-O-phobes, weapons and even riots.

It didn't happen that way. Not all around the country as predicted. Not in all the mosques, Muslim schools and prayer halls where Muslims worship.

Nope. Most of the few who showed up were the armed guards, police, reporters and journalists.

Except for a few places around the United States, it was a pretty peaceful day.

One place in Ohio was the exception - and that story went VIRAL. Not because of the picketers, Islam-O-phobes, weapons, riots or even protestors.

Actually, there was only one. A lady. Called "Annie".

She showed up with her signs and proceeded to tell do her "demonstration".

Out came her posters, sticks and images for her chance to express hatred and damnation toward the Muslims.

But she was not confronted by the guards or pushed around for her loud voice crying out, "Muslims Go to Hell".

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She was grabbed and hugged by a Muslim sister who wanted to show her the tolerance, peace and love of Islam - the world's fastest growing religion, in spite of the haters, racisits and bigots who hate without any understanding of what it is they hate.

The hub was accepted and then returned by the visitor to the Dublin mosque.

The lady also accepted the chance to go inside and see what Muslims really do in their place of worship. (They worship God).

After the tour, she also accepted a translation of the Holy Quran... and went on her merry way.

The pictures and story all went viral. The news needed something, so why not run the good news.

Although very difficult for most of today's journalists to write, discuss or present any heart-warming and loving stories (it doesn't sell products, you know?), somehow they managed to even smile and say things like, "ahh, that's so nice", and "She hugged her".

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Here's one local report --

Dublin, Ohio -- It was the "hug seen around the world." VIRAL.

That's what came next - THE STORY WENT SUPER VIRAL - All over the Internet and around the world. Everyone was talking about the two women who hugged each other outside a mosque in Columbus (NO - Dublin) Ohio.

But now, less than two weeks after an embrace outside Noor Islamic Center near the Dublin, Hilliard city limits - where the hate turned to hugs - the hugs have turned back to hate - even with threats of death!

The Muslim sister who came forward to offer hugs to a protestor against her faith, is now fearing for her life. She says she was only giving dawah (invitation) about her beliefs. That was last Saturday.

Instead of turning her back to the woman, sister Cynthia faced her and gave her the famous hug - and the video has now become viral.

Now, there's another story to tell. One of fear, threats and yes - even terror. But not from Muslims.

Islam-O-phobes, racists and bigots are now threatening both of these ladies. One for being a Muslim. The other for being a good Christian.

"I don't want to die as a martyr", she says. "These are legitimate threats".

She showed reporters Facebook messages indicating the woman who was hugged has now turned her hugs to hatred again, and maybe even worse.

"A Christian Bigot is someone that knows who Allah is" says one message to the Muslim sister. Another message says the sender wears the title "Christian Bigot" proudly. A very graphic and violent photo came along with these messages.

A TV reporter says she called the woman, who confirmed she sent the messages and images. She claims the photo wasn’t intended as a threat, "Cynthia is just trying to make this about Cynthia to get on TV." The woman is just being identified as "Annie".

She has refused to show her face on camera, citing safety concerns. Annie said her trip to the mosque was about sharing her own faith. De Boutinkhar says she just wants better understanding. “I think people are so afraid to accept something that they don’t understand, that the only way they can accept it is to hate it.” Both women say they’ve been threatened for their faith and have been in touch with police. 

In an email Annie said, “I do not have any Hate for anyone."

And they all lived happily ever after . . (well, not exactly).

And here's the REST OF THE STORY - 

Today, we learned the racists, bigots and Islam-O-Phobes have found another way to throw terror (can a non-Muslim do 'TERROR'?) into this story.

Both ladys have had serious threats and the Muslm lady has now expressed fear for her very life.

And there's more!

Turns out "Annie" (not her actual name) came all the way from Lancaster, Pennsylvania 

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