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Fake Pictures

Show Wrong Images
fake hajj deaths 04


Allah Subhannah wa Ta'ala tells us in the Quran:

"O you who believe, have taqwa for Allah and always speak the truth" [Quran 33:59]

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said, "Whoever deceives us, is NOT of us".

NOTE: The actual deaths - were NOT FAKE. Nor is the seriousness behind what took place and the investigation into who or what is responsible.

However, there is no reason to purposely fake images to imply insensitivity on the part of the Saudi government nor on those who are working tirelessly to assist pilgrims in their hajj.

Wait 'til you see how these images were photo-shopped to look like Saudis don't care about deaths of the Hujjaj (Pilgrims).

Why would anyone want to do something like this?

Who could conceive such mischief and mayhem?

What purpose can there be to further stimulate anger, anomosity and hatred toward the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

Who aer the purpetrators behind this obvious evil attempt to slander the occassion of Hajj and further hurt those families already suffering the loss of their loved ones?

Who? - INDEED!

[Just take a look to see what country is shouting out against the Saudis - to gain attention for themselves and their agenda]

fake hajj deaths 01
[this is the first one we saw that is clearly FAKE!]
Why? (keep looking)

 Any true Muslim should be reminded to "taqullah" (Fear the punishent of Allah)
For creating, displaying, uploading or forwarding any of these images as though they were authentic.

Fake hajj deaths 02
[Read the comments and see the clear accusations]
But then, look REAL CLOSE and tell us what is wrong with this FAKE PICTURE

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Show our readers these are truly FAKE PICTURES

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#2 Salem 2015-09-30 19:49
Those pictures are fake or in other word, he put them together even though they are from different years to create bad image about the most peaceful "way of live". The bulldozers, I have seen them before and they are for cleaning up the place and this was many years ago. However, the picture of the bodies are true and recent as I have seen in the news for an accident has taken a place days ago.
#1 Abdullah T. 2015-09-30 09:22
look at the pillars for the stoning
these are the old ones from over 10 years ago
that wa u mean?

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