ISLAM NEWSROOM DATELINE - Saturday April 11, 2015
We have a question about "Dogs":
Dear Shaikh, I would love to get a puppy.
Can you please let me know if it is really Haram to have a puppy at my home.
Many people told me that God will curse me if I have one and they say my salat won't be accepted and they also say it's dirty and Angels don't visit the house which has a dog inside it.
Pls let me know I don't want God to curse me and I would truly love o have a Dog too.
Best Regards

Did you know . . ?
56 BILLION DOLLAR YEAR - As more people are buying more pets - especially dogs!
This is due to several things, but mostly because of over emotional and psychological needs - of the OWNERS.
Although some will argue that owning a pet provides a constant affectionate companion, lowers stress and even offer the possibility of gaining psychological balance due to having complete control over some living creatures - the facts show it is all about emotional substitution - and BIG BUCKS.
Some elders who have little or no family to provide love and other emotional fulfillment are persuaded to believe pets provide a substitute family to replace children who have gone off to form their own lives outside the realm of their parents.
Young people show more interest in relationships with theisr pets than establishing married life and even using pets to replace the emotional loss of divorce.
One recent survey showed 68% of respondents - treat their pets like their own children or EVEN BETTER.
All time highs are reported in veritable pet-buying frenzy amongst these particular groups, at the increasing rate of almost 4% annually, even in recent times of recession.
Even more money is being made in all types of pet products, services and medical expenses for pets.
Today the vast majority of pet owners consider their pets as members of their family, often times preferring these animals over their own real family.
Health, medical and even psychological care for pets sometimes reaches the level of cost for the same as humans.
Personalized and designer products and even high-tech gadgets, such as automated food dispensers, are now quite common.
TV ads for mouthwash and electric toothbrushes are common and routinely used in doggy beauty salons.
Dogs, cats and even birds can now receive a manicure complete with nail polish.
Dog grooming, training and daycare services are flourishing. Meanwhile, health insurance for dogs and ID tags are becoming strong categories in their own right.
The fact is, the care of the dog is the most powerful trend within the industry - Consider this:
Stores have rows of shelves loaded with energy treats, organic foods, weight control pills, etc.
But that's just the beginning - Look at this:
Doggy pet insurance? Veterinary costs? Drugs and medicines? - For DOGS?
Then of course:
Dog training & behavior modification, even reprogram the dog's normal desires for owners desperate to control every aspect of the dog's natural inclinations.
Contrast this to the permissible ownership of dogs for Muslims:
- Guard dogs
- Sheep dogs
- Watch dogs
- Hunting dogs
- Seeing-eye dogs
- & Dogs trained to sniff out drugs and weapons.
All of these dogs are kept outside, except dogs for handicap purposes, then they have limited access to certain areas of the home.
Don't let your life "Go to the Dogs"
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