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~ Peshawar Teacher survies & tells all ~
~ LIVE 9PM (New York Time) Tonight ~
Peshawar, Pakistan-- Peshawar school attack leaves 141 dead, many more injured! UPDATE Islam Newsroom report
- NOW 144 innocents have died!
Reports say all the attackers are now dead, seven of them according to army officials in Peshawar.
Scores more have been treated in the hospitals there, as frantice parents await news or search for their own children as different reports are coming from various sources.
Considered the worst and deadliest attack in the history of Pakistan by some, it has already been condemned by world wide organizations and political groups as well as many on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
Shahrukh Khan, age 17, told the story to reports from his hospital bed saying a man with a gun entered his class and began shoot in different directions everywhere. He said he tried to hide under the desk and saw his classmates shot dead, one right in the head another in the chest area. Two teachers were killed at the same time.
Taliban spokesperson told reporters in the local language (Urdu) the school was a target for them because it was an army military installation and they were retaliating to military operations against them (the Pakistani Taliban).
This was supposedly a response to the hundreds of Taliban considered killed in recent offensive in the North Waziristan and Khyber area.
President of the United States, Barack Obama said the terrorists had "once again shown their depravity".
The United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon said it was "an act of horror and rank cowardice".
One analysis talked about the incident as a brutal attack that could be a watershed for a country long accused by the world of treating terrorists as strategic assets.
Pakistan's policy-makers striving to deal with the many factions within the militants, often comment about a lack of agreement or consensus and large pockets of sympathy for various religious groups engaged in military actions as a very real stumbling block for any likely solutions.
Some consider this to be a reason for army chief General Raheel Sharit (Pakistan) to launch, what he calls, an "indiscriminate operation" some months ago, against certain groups in Pakistan's tribal belt. However, it did not give a positive impression for most of the people in that area at all.
"We'll going to get them!" he said in his speech, "be they Pakistani Taliban, Punjabi Taliban, al-Qaeda Taliban or affiliates, or most importantly - the Haqqanis", a dreaded operative network.
Leadership in the country, however has chosen to remain silent up to now. But that is soon to change pretty quick, inshallah.
Late on Tuesday, a military spokesman, Asim Bajwa said to reporters in Peshawar, "132 children and nine members of staff", had been killed.
There were seven attackers involved, all wore suicide bomb vests, according to Bajwa's report.
Scores of people were also injured. It appears the militants scaled walls to get into the school and set off a bomb at the start of the assault.
Children who manage to get away, said the men went from one class to the next, shooting without regard to who might get shot.
One young boy said he was with around ten of his friends and they all tried to run away to hide, but he was the lone survivor.
Other kids said they saw students just lying there dead in the hallways.
A local woman told about her friend's daughter escaping after pretending to be dead amongst those who were killed and laying out on the floor. A bloody storey for a poor young child to endure.
One doctor in the hospital there says, he saw many children being admitted with head and chest injuries.
The school is part of the military complex situated in Peshawar, near the Afghani border. Most of the very worst of violence has occured here since the Taliban's insurgency in recent times.
Most of the students were 16 years old or younger and either children of the military there or family related to the personnel.
A spokesperson for the Pakistani Taliban, Mohammad Khurasani, says the militants had been, "forced to lanuch the attack in retaliation" to recent army manuvers against them.
Full Report & UP-Date on GUIDE US TV