She Lied to All of Us
It Was All LiesPyschic Said "She's DEAD"
Cleveland, Ohio Tuesday, May 7, 2013 - Liar Exposed - She Lied to Everyone
Bad News: A so-called psychic told her, "Your daughter IS DEAD!
Good News: The psychic was wrong (as usual) and they are all alive & safe now!
Here's what you can expect from magicans, soothsayers, palm-readers and psychics.
This story was originally published in Cleveland Ohio's home town newspaper - The Plain Dealer on Nov. 18, 2004. It was written by Stephen Hudak.
For 19 months, Louwana Miller refused to give up hope that her missing daughter might still be alive.
But not anymore.
Amanda's mother, Louwana was so desperate for any clue as to Amanda Berry’s whereabouts, and tired of unanswered questions from authorities, she turned to a psychic, Sylvia Browne on Montel Williams’ nationally syndicated television show.
Here's the quote from the Cleveland Plain Dealer (newspaper) -
Psychic Tells Mom She’ll Never See Missing Daughter
A television psychic tells the mother of a missing Cleveland teenager she’ll never see her daughter alive again. “I hate this when they’re in water,” psychic Sylvia Browne tells Louwanna Miller on today’s broadcast of the Montel Williams Show.
Miller’s 17-year-old daughter, Amanda Berry, was last seen in April 2003 leaving work at a Burger King at West 110th Street and Lorain Avenue in Cleveland. Miller turned to the psychic in an attempt to learn her daughter’s fate.
The psychic said what the FBI, police and Miller had not said - “She’s not alive, honey,” the self proclaimed pyschic, Ms. Sylvia Browne told her matter-of-factly. “Your daughter’s not the kind who wouldn’t call.”
With those blunt words, Browne persuaded Miller to accept a grim probability that has become more likely with each passing day.
Miller went back to the West Side home where she had been keeping Amanda’s things in careful order and cleaned up. She gave away her daughter’s computer and took down her pictures. “I’m not even buying my baby a Christmas present this year,” she said.
Miller said she returned devastated from the show, taped this month in New York.
“I lost it,” she said.
Miller said she believes “98 percent” in Ms. Browne.
“Please don’t misunderstand me. I still don’t want to believe it. I want to have hope but, after a year and a half, what else is there?” Miller said. “It seems like the God-honest truth. My daughter would always call home.”
The FBI and police put less faith in Sylvia Browne’s powers, saying they still will consider Berry alive and missing until her body or evidence is found to prove otherwise, officials said.
Amanda Berry disappeared April 21, 2003 - just one day before her 17th birthday.
She left work at Burger King at West 110th Street and Lorain Avenue, about a 10-minute walk from home. The 5-foot-4, 110-pound, brown-eyed teen phoned her sister en route to say she had a ride home.
At Miller’s request, FBI agents investigating Amanda’s disappearance met with Miller after the show to discuss Sylvia Browne’s other psychic views on the case, special agent Kelly Liberti said.
Browne said she envisioned Amanda’s jacket in a Dumpster with “DNA on it.”
Liberti and Cleveland police spokesman Lt. Wayne Drummond said their law-enforcement agencies listen to all information from all sources, but do not employ or seek the assistance of psychics.
[and it's a good thing police don't take these phony psychics too serious]
It was all lies!
All of the pyschic baloney was nothing but made up stories and lies.
We Muslims don't go to magicians and soothsayers or pyschics - all of them are out of Islam and this is a form of shirk (blasphemy) in Islam.
Don't listen to them, don't sit with them, don't believe them, don't ask from them, don't follow them and don't pray to them (ever).
The REAL STORY IS - Amanda Berry did not die, she was abducted and held hostage in a house not far in the same city where she was captured.
Two other young teenagers were also captured and help captive for the last nine years in the same house. Amanda appears to have given birth during the long period of captivity, to a little girl.
Now it has all come to an end. They are all free. The men believed to be responsible are under arrest in Cleveland right now. All because Amanda was brave enough to call out for help to a passerby. Charles Ramsey came to the rescue to help her escape along with her daughter she had conceived while being held against her will.
The men accused of the crime and his brothers who may also be heavily involved are now all under arrest. They are presently undergoing questioning and examination to determine what charges will be brought against them.
The FBI usually does not get involved in kidnappings that do not go across state lines, except in the case of sexual charges. If there is any suggestion of evidence in the case that sexual assault was made on any of the women held against their will, then FBI will definitely be taking charge in the matter - according to expert attorney on TV news.
The lesson for all of us here is, Never Go to Pyschics & Never Give Up Hope!