to Wear Hijab?

Turkish Deputy Premier Visits Visoko's Mayor - The 1st European Mayor To Wear the Muslim Hijab (covering)
SARAJEVO - The Turkish Deputy Premier Bulent Arinc Visits Visoko's Mayor Amra Babic, Europe's first mayor wearing a headscarf, in Sarajevo.
Turkey's Deputy Premier Bulent Arinc travelled to Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to have formal talks.On the first stop of his two-day visit, Arinc came together in Visoko with Amra Babic, who won the local elections on October 7, 2012 and became Europe's first mayor wearing a headscarf.
Kemal Ozturk, Chairman of the Board and Director General of Anadolu Agency, Turkey's Ambassador in Sarajevo Ahmet Yildiz and other members of the delegation accompanied Arinc during his visit to Visoko and where they were properly greeted and welcomed by the hijab wearing Muslim mayor.
s he going to mention anything about the mayor wearing the traditional Muslim garb? The hijab (covering) has long been a subject of question in Turkey - a country that once forbid Muslim women from entering any public building if they were covering their hair in the way of Muslims.
Will Arinc encounter more of the Muslim headcoverings while in his travels to visit the Zenica city? He is scheduled to address the students there at the Zenica University and later, to visit the tracking and communication house for Turkish troops on duty as part of European Union Force (EUFOR).
Moreover, Arinc is to visit Anadolu Agency's Regional Office in the Balkans where he will broadcast the first news story in Bosnian-Croatian-Serbian from the Agency's new news system, the News Transmission System (HAS). But will he approve of the Muslim dress for members of public office?
Muslim women's clothes and their role in Islam have long been a topic of discussion and argument in all parts of the world. Once again, we see the women rising above the stereo-typical models and standing out in front of the crowd, as if to say, "I am MUSLIM Woman - Watch me soar!"
OK - We see the first mayor of Europe now wearing the hijab - A great step forward for women's rights to wear as they please.
Now The Question is - WHO'S NEXT?
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