Trinity - 3 Gods in 1?
Son of God? NO
How Does It Work?
Bible? - "Son of God?" - "Trinity?"
- By Yusuf Estes - Former Christian - Muslim Chaplain
"What Scholars of Bible Say About Their Book" - and more...
Scholars of Christianity & Judaism Reveal Truth About Their Religions
New - "That" Prophet? Did Jesus foretell of Muhammad in the Bible? (Yusuf Estes)
New - "Bible & Quran Compared" Books of Christianity & Islam Compared By Ex-Preachers Dr. Gary Miller & Sheik Yusuf Estes
New - Son of Who? Nature of Jesus of Christianity and Islam (Yusuf Estes)
"Who Wrote the Bible" - (excerpts from book by the same title) Jewish Scholar of Old Testament - Richard E. Friedman
"Beginnings" (How Did the Bible Come About?) [still in progress -more coming, God Willing]