(This Was on Nov. 19, 2012)
Chants to be heard outside Washington, D.C.?
Are Demonstrators Planning Parades?
What about other cities, states & countries?
7 29, is associated with Israel, it is a barcode prefix used in product coding system. Barcodes starting with 7 29 are Israeli companies registered under Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) system managed by GS1. It signifies a product is registered with GS1 Israel.
A former resident of the D.C. area, not far from where president Obama will be taking his oath of office, said today, "I refuse to buy anything with that (bar code) on it, until Israel wakes up to what she is doing in our world"
"Avoiding Bar Codes on products made in Israel with the numbers 7 29 is NOT ENOUGH" - according to the man, who asked not to be named in our article.
But he is not the only one who figured there are many different brands, company names and trade marks - ALL COMING OUT OF ISRAEL - OR OWNED BY ISRAEL.
And he's not the only one who sees this as the peaceful way to bring and end to the horrible conditions going on in Gaza - right now.
Who knows? Maybe this could be the way to stop a lot more countries from dealing war and get back to dealing out products.
Oh, wait - that's right, war is a way of dealing out products, isn't it? There's guns, bullets, tanks, planes, uniforms, boots, rockets not to mention poisonous gasses, nuclear bombs.
Well, at least we should try out best, right?
Dear Readers, whether you are Jewish, Christian, Muslim or any belief - think about it. We really only want it to be fair and when it is balanced for all people to live in peace, there will be a much better atmosphere for each and every human to live, love and experience the good in this life, if not as brothers - at least as neighbors.
Unless and until the soldiers in Israel stop acting as guards for a prison (Palestine) harassing, beating and killing inmates (Palestinian Arabs), the least we can do is stop contributing to the problem by financing their whole operation. If enough of us around the world will just share this article, the links and pass out the information and talk about this in Facebook, Twitter and blogs - IT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE. And at least we can say, "We tried".
Here is the link for all of the products contributing to this 'Holocaust in Palestine':
www.IslamNewsroom.com/news-we-need/2013 (read it - use it - share it - DO IT)