Quran, Adhan & Salat . .
But needs to know more!

You Could Help Him
Say Something & Make a Difference
He's seriously looking at Islam, studying, reading, thinking, and even telling others about his love for Islam, the Adhan, Quran and the way we pray to God (in salah). Can you give him some message and see if Allah guides him to Islam (the way to worship God without partners)? What if you mention something in a quick message to him (below)? We are asking our readers to leave a short message for him in Ramadan. Liam Neeson wants to know more about love in Islam. You can add a comment to our list (below). When he sees it, he just might take your advice & CHOOSE ISLAM from Your letter! So, the real question is: "Will He Make Public Shahadah?" Q. Is he already a 'secret Muslim'? 1. Say shahadah, "Laa elaha ilallah, Muhammadar Rasoolullah" and do this from the heart in full sincerity. 2. Begin his salat (prayers) and learn to recite Quran (in Arabic) as much as he can - (he says he loves to hear Quran & Adhan) 3. Step by step begin to learn and follow all the tenants of Islam based on Quran and sunnah of our prophet, peace be upon him. [click here video Islam Basics] - [Beliefs in Islam] - [Actions of Islam] Only Alllah guides, but we get reward in Ramadan to leave him a message about Islam. Tell him to wake up in this month of Mercy and make his shahadah. . .
Get the reward. Help us get these messages out to him! OK - Now Here's Proof He Loves Islam! He loves to hear Adhan He wants to know more
Al Hamdulillah for the Guidance of Allah, He Guides whoever He wills to His deen. Here's an idea - We can help him . . . (bottom of the page - write to him) Let's leave messages for him and tell others to do so as well. At the end of this story, you can COMMENT (bottom of this page) and let him and others know what true Islam is about - and share this link with everyone (now please): Durning his stay in Turkey, actor Liam Neeson has decided the salat (prayers) of Islam is appealing to him as well as the beautiful sound of the adhan (call to p Here is what we find from the papers in Ireland - READ . . . Shannon, Ireland -- Liam Neeson considering Islam, according to reporters The desire to convert comes from spending time filming in Turkey, according to The Sun. The Northern Ireland actor, who comes from a Catholic background, told the newspaper that the call to prayer in Istanbul drove him to distraction for the first week of filming but he then began to find it "the most beautiful, beautiful thing". Neeson, a former altar boy in Ballymena, said: "There are 4,000 mosques in the city. Some are just stunning and it really makes me think about becoming a Muslim." Actor Liam Neeson has been nominated for an Oscar, a BAFTA and three Golden Globe Awards during his career. He has starred in a number of notable roles including Oskar Schindler in Schindler's List and Michael Collins. Neeson was married to actress Natasha Richardson for 15 years before her death in 2009, when she suffered a severe head injury in a skiing accident at the Mont Tremblant Resort, in Quebec. It’s not the first time Liam Neeson has spoken about religion. Neeson – who voiced the character in the film adaptation – instead claimed the character 'Aslan' was based on other spiritual leaders including Mohammed. "Aslan symbolises symbolises for me... Mohammed and all the great ...prophets over the centuries," he said at the time. "That’s who Aslan stands for as well as a mentor figure for kids – that’s what he means for me." |
Even though he played a 'god' in Wrath of Titans
In part 2 of 'Taken' while filming in Turky he loved to hear adhan.
So, Could He Still Become A Muslim?
"Shirk" (making partners with Allah) is the unforgiveable sin in Islam (Quran 4:48)
"This is very serious and might disqualify Mr. Neeson from being a Muslim" -- Imam from USA
According to some Islamic scholars, "Anyone playing the part of a pagan 'god' in a play or movie - or even as a joke - is committing shirk. Such a person will not be accepted in Islam, and if they are to come back to Islam, they will have to start over with a new shahadah".
One imam said, "He just needs to make his final move (not a movie) ~ a MOVE to take his Shahadah for Islam."
Note: Liam Neeson has confirmed his love for the adhan and admires the salat.
But we must convince him NOT to play the part of any kind of 'god' or even be in movies of pagan gods!
Write to him (here) - but don't push him, and do be patient.
We invite you to leave nice comments for him to read (now please)
& ask others to do the same, inshallah.
You Never Know - It might be your comment that opens his heart . . .
(no links - We post after review - so no junk & no links please)
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