FRIDAY 13th? Is it 'Shirk'?

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Friday 13th?
Superstitions & Shirk


Muslims Deceived by Western Superstition -- by Yusuf Estes

"O, today is Friday the 13th. Mom, I cannot go to school today - please let me stay home so nothing bad will happen to me today!" - a young sister in Chicago

"Hello. I just wanted to call in sick today guys. I am not coming to work. What? No, nothing contagious. Well, if you must know, it is because I never go to work on Friday the 13th - OK?" - New York bus driver

"Honey, I really don't want you to ride your motorcycle today - you know it is Friday the 13th." -- a mother in California

"We can't get married on the 13th of July 'cause it is on Friday - it would be bad luck!" -- a brother in Atlanta

These people are really worried about something happening just because of a number of a day on the sun worshiper's calendar, made up by humans.

There are many many superstitions related to the calendar day, Friday the thirteenth - And ALL OF THEM ARE SHIRK (the unforgiveable sin of making partners with Allah).

First, let us clarify why the false notions and beliefs concerning events and occurances associated with the 13th day of the month falling on a Friday are 'Shirk' (making partners with God in worship):

According to Islam in the Quran and the sayings and teachings of Muhammad, peace be upon him, 'There is none worthy of worship, except God (Allah) Alone, without any partners".

This statement with commitment in the heart makes one a Muslim as soon as they confirm their belief in it. And this immediately washes away all prior sins, mistakes and bad deeds committed for the person's entire life. Additionally, the ultimate goal of this life is realized, in that the person is now on the path of success and ready to accept whatever may happen to them, whether it is perceived as good or bad.

All of us experience disappointments, upsets in our lives and problems - every day of the year. These experiences can cause a person to go into deep depression, become involved in alcohol, drugs or even suicide. May Allah protect all of us from this, ameen.

However, others may go through the same or even worse situations and experience even worse calamities, yet become strong in their beliefs and work even harder to achieve more with the time they have left here on earth.

Islam views the life of this world as a test from the Almighty, One God, Allah. He is the One who has created all of us and what we do (this is mentioned in the Quran).

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, told us, "The condition of the believer is amazing. Whenever anything good happens to him, he is appreciative and thanks Allah. Whenever anything bad happens to him, he is patient. And it is all good for him. But this is only in the case of the believer".

So, we understand that whenever anything good comes to the believer, he or she is thankful and praises Almighty God.

But when anything bad happens to them or they experience disappointments in this life, they will maintain and be patient, knowing all of it is from Allah and therefore, ultimately it will be for good - either here in this life or in the Next Life.

The ultimate goal of every Muslim is to be in the Paradise with their Creator and Sustainer, Allah and to be close to Muhammad, peace be upon him, in the Heaven. But falling into false worship, including superstitions, will be the very thing to keep someone out of the Paradise - FOREVER!

READ . . .

Friday the 13th, 'the most widespread superstition'

The sixth day of the week and the number 13 both have foreboding reputations said to date from ancient times. It seems their inevitable conjunction from one to three times a year (there will are three occurrences happening in 2012 - exactly 13 weeks apart) and this sends out a message of even more bad things happening.

According to sources this superstition originates more in the United States, Canada and western countries than any other part of the world.

Some people even refuse to go to work on Friday the 13th believing they will have misfortune or be in accidents if they go out.

Others will not go out of their homes even to eat in restaurants or go shopping.

Many would not even think of having a wedding or special ceremony on this date.

How many Americans at the beginning of the 21st century suffer from this condition? Good question.

Maybe as many as 21 million people are suffering from this unrealistic belief, according to Dr. Donald Dossey. He is a psychotherapist specializing in the treatment of phobias (he came up with the term paraskevidekatriaphobia, also spelled paraskavedekatriaphobia).

If he's right, that is no less than 8% of all Americans running around caught up in the grips of this very old (and very dumb) superstition.

Exactly how old is difficult to say, because determining the origins of superstitions is an inexact science, at best.