CORRECTION: Muslim Hero Honored

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We Made A Mistake - Pray For Us

Mohammad Hamdani

Died Saving Lives 9/11
He Did Receive Hero's Honors



Next, we quote from Allah about the importance of always telling the truth:

Quran 33 70

"O believers, guard yourselves against the Wrath of Allah, and only speak words of truthful justice"

Quran 33 71
"He will rectify your affairs, and forgive your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His messenger has for sure a great achievement"

Here is our corrected statement based on what we found on the follow pages today (June 27, 2012):

Mohammed Salman Hamdani was recognized as a Muslim, as a hero, as 9/11 First Responder.
And he WAS 'Honored' for saving lives - First, by Allah in Quran & Then by NYPD, the mayor and even by the United States Congress

About Saving Lives, Allah Almighty Talks About Such Heros in His Speech to us (Quran 5, 37) :

Quran 5 32

"..whoever kills one (innocent person) it is as if he killed all of mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he saves all of mankind entirely.
And Allah's prophets certainly came with clear proofs.
Then indeed, many of them throughout the land were evil-doers."
[Quran - Chapter 5, verse 37]

Mohammed Salman Hamdani died doing exactly that! He was saving innocent lives on that fateful day in Manhattan, NY - the day we all know too well - as September 11, 2001 or 9/11.

Mohammad Salman Hamdani was a Hero, a New Yorker, a husband, a father, and most important a martyr for Allah, inshallah - a Muslim.

According to the Quran, Mohammaed Hamdani was doing the very best thing humans can do for each other - saving lives. He was training to become an expert in emergency situations. His expert training had prepared him for many things to do in all types of emergencies, both as an EMT (emergency medical technician) and as a New York Policeman.

Mohammad Hamdani died like 2,000+ others on that day falling hundreds of feet to his death and being crushed amongst the steel girders, glass and metal in a most horrific death - trying to save the lives of others.

Inshallah, we ask Allah to accept from him for his efforts and sacrifice with his life to save others. His family should be very proud of him and we all ask Allah to make things easy for him in the grave and bring him back on the Day of Judgment in the best way, ameen.

Mohammad Hamdani's name actully was not listed along with the official list of 1st responders at first, but only due to them not finding his remains under the North Tower until some time later.

However, there were a few reports claiming, 'Certain prejudiced individuals existing amongst our politicians today, Mohammad Hamdani does not deserve to be remembered for his heroic sacrifice, trying to save lives even though it cost him his life'.

These reports included accusations against the mayor, police commissioner and other indiviuals. These reports included claims as follows, "investigators of 9/11 tried to make Mohammad Hamdani out to be one of the terrorists himself, listing him as a suspect in connection with the terrorist attacks and one of the plotters". These reports even claimed Hamdani's picture was circulated with other Muslims pictures and descriptions with orders to “hold and detain” in connection with the terrorist attacks.

But it is after all, our fault! That is right - It now becomes our duty to speak just as loud against Muslims who brought forth incorrect information and loudly proclaimed prejudice and racism against people who were actually being more than fair in the treatment of reporting what was going on, in spite of very confusing statements coming it, as well as limited access to normal communications at the time.

American citizens took this case very serious and through diligent research, working together we were able to find what really did happen and what was done about it.

Our article referred to "speaking out against injustices" - Well, we must now speak out against ourselves because of an injustice we committed - and just as loud!

By the way - Mohammad Hamdani was recognized as a hero by more than just the New York City Police Department.

He was recognized in a very special way - In the words of the Patriot Act itself. Just weeks after the tragic events of September 11, 2001 the Patriot Act was signed into law by the United States Congress, with these words mentioning Mohammed Salman Hamdani by name.

U.S. Congress signed PATRIOT Act into law, and it had these words in it.

Many Arab Americans and Muslim Americans have acted heroically during the attacks on the United States, including MOHAMMED SALMAN HAMDANI, 23-year-old New Yorker of Pakistani descent, believed to have gone to the World Trade Center to offer rescue assistance and he is still missing.

They did know who he was. They did honor him - even before they discovered his remains.

Mohammad Hamdani had just taken the test for the police academy right before his death. His family says he most probably saw the burning towers on his way to work and ran to do whatever he could to use what he had learned in recent months of police and EMT training - he ran to save lives - because that is what real Muslims do.

Getting this story right is important. Not just for Hamdani’s memory, not just for his family, not just for accurate historical reporting - but because that is also what real Muslims do.

Let's all remember, that out of the almost 2,900 lives lost on that fateful day, nearly 500 innocent Muslims died along with them. These people made the United States their home and who, like Mohammad Hamdani, were in every way Americans

Even more important - on the Day of Judgment those who sacrificed while believing in the One God of Adam, Abrahman, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus Christ and Muhammad (peace be upon them all) - These people will be given the ultimate Hero's Reward with Allah - PARADISE!

This story helps all of us better understand the real world around us all, today.

We ask Senator Keith Ellison to be more careful in the future regarding publishing sensationalism and implications toward any group, Muslim or otherwise. This is not the spirit of Islam and certainly not something we can support as a representative of our deen.

We are sorry - And we commit ourselves to doing being in the future, inshallah (God Willing).

We apologize to those who may have been bothered over our mistake of taking only from limited sources and ask their forgiveness.

We stand corrected and ask our audience to forgive our shortcomings and pray for us to do better in the future.

We ask Allah to forgive us and guide us to do a better job.

Editor's After thought -

We are sorry - And we commit ourselves to doing being in the future, inshallah (God Willing).

Additionally, we would like to caution our wonderful brothers at C.A.I.R. (Council on American Islamic Relations) Washington, D.C. for what they have to say about Islam Haters, Muslim Bashers & their kind - if what they are saying is not factual or based on solid evidence.
And as far as the upcoming election - We support whoever is on the truth - regardless of their nationality, race, color or religious conviction. After all, if they only claim to be a Muslim, but do not deal with justice, then it is our duty to go with those who tell the truth and stand up clearly for truth, liberty, justice and freedom for all - The American Way & THE MUSLIM WAY.
- And we commit ourselves to doing being in the future, inshallah (God Willing)..

Good news is - We continue to work hard for truth, understanding and justice for all our readers and viewers on our own full TV channel, in the English language, broadcasting all across the United States, Alaska, Hawaii and even Canada - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Find out more on www.GuideUS.TV

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