Tunis Muslims Fight 'Moderate' Rulers?

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Tunis Muslims Fight
'Moderate' Leaders

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Audio recording posted on Internet forum today says, "Leaders of En Nahda Party (moderates who formed new government after last October elections) violate Islamic teachings".

According to the audio, it is because of the non-Muslim type of constitution which does not follow the Quran or Sunnah of prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

The audio recording accuses the En Nahda of favoring a new Islam that would be "accepted by the United States Department of Sate, the European Union and the Sheikhs of the Khaleej (Gulf Kingdoms)", and accepting such things as night clubs, gambling and nude beaches.

However, the translators of the audio seem to be a bit over the top. The State Department, EU and Gulf rulers did not seem to be pushing for these items as much as being more "moderate".

The idea of moderation for the western mentality at least, would be to allow people the choice of drinking, gambling and women exposing as much of their bodies as they might like, but only up to the point of total nudity (without anything at all).

"Hatha Ghareeb" (This is strange) says on translator, as the rant continues on the site, "to see ruling party claims to align with Islam but same time does not call to al-Maruf and forbid al-Munkar".

"Al Maruf" is a term used in the Quran meaning to call to the righteous way of Biblical and Quranic teachings, wherein the following of the Commandments given to Moses, peace be upon him, and then referred to again by Mohamed, peace be upon him, and "al Munkar" refers to the forbidding of evil as defined by Jewish, Christian and Muslim scriptures.

Continuing, the recording indicated there was a call for "Muslims to join in fighting beside the Americans against Afghanistanis".

"Get up and support shari'ah law" says the voice on the tape, and "get people to to join for uprising to defend Islamic law. Tell them is being planned against Islam", it says.

Now it is your turn - We have to talk about this - So, tell us what you think about all of this!

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