Man Beats Wife
Judge Orders Man - "LEARN ISLAM"
Note: Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, ordered his followers "Be the best to your wives" and he forbade them to beat their wives (a common practice when Islam was being established).
Do not confuse what some bad people do with what Islam teaches us to do and what not to do in the form of true Islamic Law (Shari'ah).
This is similar to the Law of Moses for the Jews and the Christian original teachings of patience, kindness, forgiveness and love of peace.
You are encouraged to add your comments at the end of this article.
Islam vs. West - "Judgment of Wife Beaters" (3 stories)
Compare This Story #1 ~ Man Beats Wife - Judge Beats Man
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PHOTO CAPTION: Men, don’t threaten the wife! This picture illustrates what happened to John Caves, of Akron, Ohio (USA) Judge E. E. Zesiger gave him a hearty "pants warming" John Caves only threated to whip his wive (while he was drunk), according to his wife's testimony in court. Judge Zesiger had seen and heard enough of this fellow over the years and decided it was time the "whipper" got "whipped" So he lashed the man 20 times as an excellent, corrective. |
A bystander posed for photo with judge [“Judge’s Pants-Warming Party,” |
Question: How Did This Judgement Use Islamic Law? |

Bystander posed with this picture of the judge
re-enacting the punishment given to John Caves
“Judge’s Pants-Warming Party,” syndicated (NEA)
~ The Mexia Daily News (Tx.), Feb. 8, 1927, p. 8
The Full Story #2 ~
Akron, Ohio (USA, February 12, 1927 – Judge Beats Wife Beater
Being soundly thrashed as a “wife beater” with an 18-inch piece of garden hose by a judge over his knee in a jail cell when arrested on a charge of intoxication, doesn’t appeal to John Caves, 40-year-old bricklayer.
Neither does he relish being held up as a warning to future husbands, who take a few whacks at their wives.

Caves, having imbibed a bit too freely, was awaiting sentence in jail, when Municipal Judge E. E. Zesiger, armed with a piece of garden hose in his hand, entered Caves’ cell, laid him across his knee and gave him 20 stripes “to cure him of wife beating.”
Now – and thereby hangs a tale – it so happens that Caves has been arrested not for abusing his wife but for being intoxicated. Caves insists she’s not a poor abused woman, saying. “John has never laid a hand on me,
~ Ohio Judge Supports Whipping Post (1927) ~drunk or sober!”

A woman, a dog, and a walnut tree,The more you beat ‘em, the better they be.”***

"A whipping post for wife beaters? - A whipping post, did you say? Heavens!"
And Mrs. J. Eakin Gadsby, well known club woman, and District president of the Woman’s National Rivers and Harbors Congress, paused for breath before she recovered sufficiently from the shock.
And she tells us what she thinks of Baltimore’s revival of the whipping post as a mode of punishment for wife beaters.
"Why, it’s simply barbarous, that’s what it is,” she announced. “Never having been beaten, I cannot appreciate the emotions of a woman whose husband uses this method of coercion."
"But a whipping post? It belongs to the dark ages I wish I could speak as strongly as I feel. The thought of cruelty to the flesh of any human being as a mode of improving his morals is so mediaeval, so altogether revolting, that one can only wonder what has driven an enlightened city like Baltimore back to three hundred years or more In its methods of dealing with wife beaters.“Charge a fine to the man who beats his wife, or lock him up. But don’t degrade him and the community, by putting him in the whipping post, and beating him for the amusement of the public.”
~ Note: Her opinion is very much like the Saudi Judge in the next (#3) story ~
Story #3 ~ Saudi Man Must Learn Control, Memorize Quran - and pay 7,000 to wife
Saudi Court Orders 'Wife Beater' to Learn Islam (and pay 7,000 SR damages to wife)
Judge Orders Him - Memorize Quran & Hadeeth (sunnah)

JEDDAH, K.S.A. — The Penal Court there found a man guilty of beating his wife. Judge orders payment of $7,000 SR to his wife, he is to be deterred and he must memorize five parts (Juz') of Quran and Hadeeth (authentic teachings of Muhammad, peace be upon him)
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