Haram? Halal? Ask Imam Adly

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Halal? Haram?

Meat?Hijab?- Beards?
Turbans? - Birthdays?Jobs?

Questions of Halal & Haram Answered
by Imam Mohamed S. Adly (video)

Scholar and Imam of Columbia, South Carolina (USA), Sheikh Mohamed S. Adly provides much needed answers for Muslims living in America.

His talks, books, videos and programs have helped many come to Islam (and remain in Islam as proper Muslims) for many decades.

He is respected for his easy way of sharing and caring for all human beings regardless of their religion or beliefs. Many have said he made a major difference in their lives with his wisdom and insight to the Quran and Hadeeth (teachings of Muhammad, peace be upon him).

Enjoy this lovely program produced for the "DEEN SHOW" with Eddie.


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(video is copyright - THE DEEN SHOW)

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Questions? - Ask Imam Adly: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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