Attacks on Quran & Hadeeth!
Muslims With Doubts?
Where Is Our Proof?
I know it was bound to happen. It is mentioned in the hadeeth of our prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. But still, when I see it going on all around us - the attacks from the outsiders, the doubts of the insiders and the sneaky way shayton plays all of us against each other - Amazing!
Our blessed prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, told us - there would come a day when the ignorant people without true knowledge would be taken as scholars and knowledgeable scholars would be taken as ignorant - and brothers & sisters that is exactly what is happening right now!
He also told of the signs of the Last Days - when the once poor desert dwellers would be competing against each other to see who could build the tallest building in the desert.
One hadeeth he warned us about watching for the Last Hour, when you see the buildings of Makkah towering ABOVE the mountains and tunnel ways being built under the Kabah.
One fitna (calamity) after another - and one of the worst (in my opinion) is the Muslims leaving Islam as fast as they come in to Islam.
He, peace be upon him, told us "Someone would be a believer in the morning and would be a disbeliever at night and someone would be a believer at night and be a disbeliever the next morning".
Shubaha (doubt) is growing amongst our own brothers and sisters around the world, even though today we have the most sophisticated methods for checking and verifying any of the teachings of Islam. Quran and sunnah have never been easier to access, compare and verify.
Someone just wrote a comment on our website here ( saying it was no different than the Bible, that human hands had a play in it and it was no longer the same as it was when it came, and how could we be sure, and they went on to insult our prophet, peace be upon him, and make fun of the ones memorzing the Quran (I did not publish their evil comments by the way).
Let's take a quick look at what we know about the preservation of the Quran and the Hadeeth before we go another step, inshallah.
The Quran is preserved in most amazing way - by oral transmission. People in today's world can't even remember how to recite Mary Had A Little Lamb -
Yet every single Muslim in the world can recite the entire chapter of Al Fatihah exactly the same way as each and every other person. And it this is the same as it was over 1,4500 years ago.
If it were from other than Allah - then it could be changed and passed along from generation to generation with more and more changes -
But we all know, as Muslims - it is not from human endeavor - it is from ALLAH.
As He says in the Quran itself, If it were from other than Allah, you would find in it many contradictions (find one! you can't).
Everything human is always subject to human error - not so the Quran. It is free from any human error, additions or subtractions. And it is still memorized today as it was over 1,400 years ago, from Mouth to Ear - IN ARABIC - memorized completely from cover to cover by over 20,000,000 Muslims (88% of them NON-ARAB)
More reading on:
Allah (Subhannah Wa Ta'ala - Most Sublime and Glorious, Above All is He)
There have always been people who made fun of their own Creator and Sustainer and disobeyed Him openly. Look at the devil himself. No doubt about it, there are always going to be people who have such an attitude.
But when it is Muslims saying they have "shubhah" (doubts) and even go around spreading their doubts on to others, especially our youth, then what do we expect.
Questions like, "Does Allah really have a 'Face'?" (this is in surah 78, verses 8-12):
And they give food, inspite of their love for it, to the poor, the orphan, and the captive, (saying:) "We feed you seeking Allah's Face only. We wish for no reward, nor thanks from you. Verily, We fear from our Lord a Day, hard and distressful, that will make the faces look horrible.'' So Allah saved them from the evil of that Day, and gave them a light of beauty and joy. And their recompense shall be Paradise, and silken garments, because they were patient) ﴿ 76:8-12
Another one asked about Allah's Qadr (predestination). "You say everything is already written in a Book with Allah. Well if that is true and I can't do anything about what is written, then how is that fair?" (this is the sixth pillar of faith) - how could someone not believe in the basics and then claim to be a teacher of Islam?
This one is of course, very simple. Otherwise, it would not be a basic tenant of the deen and required by all to believe before doing ther shahadah.
Simply put, "Allah Knows everything and we only know what He allows us to know from His Knowledge" (this is in surah Baqarah, ayatul kursi. 2:255)
So, we go through our lives making decsions everyday, doing what we want to do, making choices about everything. Then we will be brought back on the Day of Judgment to face the consequences of what we did. How is it fair? Allah didn't force us to make these choices. We did it our selves.
He already knew what we would do and only intervenes if we ask for His Guidance and then submit ourselves to His Will, as His servants obeying and being sincere and in peace with Him regardless of what happens in this life. (incidentally, the word for all of that in Arabic, is - ISLAM)
Muslims have asked me in front of whole university audiences, to prove to them there really is God. I am asking myself, how can this be? Muslims talking philosophy and ideaology, and rejecting the clear proofs of the Quran and prophecies of the hadeeth?
Here is our website for the proof of the existence of Allah and the proof for anyone who is serious about knowing their Lord: (another easy one to remember - right?)
Even though it is most clear from the Quran itself on almost every single page, that we worship none but Allah, never anything in His creation - Someone wrote a book and went on tour in universities claiming we worship a god in a black box in the desert with idols of a moon-god inside. Nothing could be further from the truth. So once again, we had to write on this topic in details. [click here for the refutation of "Moon-God Called Allah"]
One of the biggest problems facing us today, is our ignorance of our deen. We lack the opportunity to sit with the real scholars (yes, they do still exist) and gain from their insights and knowledge.
Another problem is those who represent themselves to be our teachers, and they don't have as much practical knowledge of Islam as my kids do. Seriously.
Yet another problem facing us is the Internet and all that goes along with it. We consider the websites to be a source of knowledge.
Take a look at the reality of this proposition thought.
If you go to Wikipedia (I call it "wicked pedia") you will find almost outright attacks against some of the most precious aspects of our deen. When it first started up over a decade ago, I was one of the very first people to enter in Wikipedia the meanings of words like: Islam (and they changed it the very next day to something out of a bad dictionary - like: "see: Mohammadism"); Allah (and of course they changed what I had said about it being the same word for Jews and Christians who spoke Arabic; Quran (again it was changed within less than 24 hours). And this continued until some of the other Muslims began helping me keep it straight, Al Hamdulillah.
YouTube is one of the worst places to get knowledge or send people to learn Islam. This is because everytime you watch a video about Islam, a whole list of videos pops up on the right side of the screen, ready to offer you "opposing view points", "deviant groups", and even sexual content having nothing to do with your subject.
Facebook should be called "Joke Book" because the "joke" is on the poor Muslims who fall into traps everyday. We are putting up our personal information and talking with people we don't even know as though we have known them all our lives. HUGE PROBLEM!
A sister wrote and told me of a chatroom "buddy" who is telling her he wants to marry her. And to show her sincerity and that she can be "trusted", he is going to let her send him enough money to buy a new super size cell phone (even though it is all the money she has to feed her 3 kids). He even told her to send it to a friend who is staying in a hotel in another country - all of this in a CHATROOM.
By the way, do you want a real good chatroom for Islam? We have scholars (real scholars) teaching true Islam every day on our website and you can ask them questions, without being bothered by other visitors - because it is what I call a "Protected chat system".
We put this site together ourselves for this reason. For this one, we built an entire website to help you and all of us find better answers, inshallah. The name of it? (what else? - LOL)
Another person wrote against hadeeth, claiming to be a Muslim who is joined by the intellectually advanced Muslims, who only take hadeeth if it goes along with their feelings and agrees with their logic. How amazing is that statement? Where is the second part of their shahadah? - "Wa Ash-Hadu anaMuhammadn Rasoolullah"
Did you know there is ahadeeth warning us about people rejecting hadeeth and claiming to only follow the Quran? I actually met some of these people and they treated me like I was a simple fool for believing ANY HADEETH AT ALL. They reject every single hadeeth and interpret the Quran according to their own feelings and desires
Quran tells us in many places, to "Obey Allah, and obey His messenger" - How could you obey someone you know nothing about?
Quran itself is "Hadeeth" - it comes from Allah, to the angel Gabriel (Jibril), peace be upon him, then to Muhammad, peace be upon him, and then from Muhammad, peace be upon him, to his followers and then they pass it on to their next generation and the next and the next and so on, until this very day.
And all of it is by mouth-to-ear, memorized in the heart, understood in the brain and carried out in the body.
We know Quran has no mistakes and it clearly is telling us to follow Muhammad's teaching.
Today some people think they are wiser than the prophet, peace be upon him or worse - wiser than Allah (aouthobillah).
They say foolish things like, "We should not take hadeeth - if we feel it's not in peace with our hearts"???
What kind of rubbish is this? Who are these people? Are they just faking it to confuse the Muslims?
Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Our deen and even our Prophet, peace be upon him, are coming under constant attack. Pictures, cartoons and images insulting and putting down our beloved prophet, peace be upon him, have been coming from those who openly oppose Islam, and that hurts bad enough doesn't it?
But people claiming to be "modern" or "moderate" Muslims are insulting him even more by saying they will decide if what he taught us makes them "feel good" and appeal to their "logic"
It was Ali, radiallahu anhu, that explained logic for all of us to consider. He said to a person asking about logic, "If Islam was based on logic, you would wipe over the bottom of your socks (in wudu) instead of the tops".
We love our prophet, peace be upon him, more than our own selves. This is a requirement of a true believer according to the same hadeeth these people are rejecting. So how can this be?
Again, the answer is in the hadeeth (LOL), really! Our prophet, peace be upon him, told us of these types of people and what we should do when the fitnah reaches such a level. First of all, don't play with this type of person. They don't take our deen serious, so leave them alone.
Ignore them and don't bother to debate or engage in any kind of fighting with them. It is not permitted and of no benefit.
We are told, from hadeeth, if it gets so bad you fear for your faith, to leave them all even if you have to go on a mountain and eat leaves. Al Hamdulillah, we did not reach quite that level yet. I only like tea leaves. LOL
Seriously though, our children do need our support in these matters. I have always encouraged Christians and Muslims not to put our children in what I call the "public toilet system" (Public school system). This is not to put down the hard work of some very wonderful teachers, but to emphasize the bad company many of these kids have to endure every day. If you can put your kids in a good Muslim school with good curriculum then this is by far the best choice, inshallah.
These same pretenders-to-be-Muslims claim hadeeth were made up hundreds of years later - And one even said "I hope we use Quran & logic to evaluate the hadeeth".
I have to believe this guy is some kind of set up. No way a Muslim would come up with that nonsense.
More reading on Hadeeth: -
P.S. - Did you know the hadeeth telling us, in the Last Days, "There will be those who will say 'We only take the Quran'" while they reject our prophet, peace be upon him.
How amazing is that?
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