Help Me Choose: Makkah or HUDA TV?

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HUDA TV Wants Yusuf Estes
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For TV Marathon Fundraiser

Question - I really want & need your help and comment on this please!
I would love more days in Makkah (after ummrah) in Ramadan...

But at the same time - HUDA TV Needs Me
for LIVE TV Fundraiser Marathon (all night)
Huda M Saleh and YEstes
Both of these have great rewards - but will you help me?
Which One Do You Advise?

Please comment (hurry) as soon as possible, inshallah.
Waiting . . . .
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#14 fartuun mohamed 2012-08-04 09:29
asalamu aleykum . sheeikh i will advice you to stay makkkah an make dua for all muslim people including somalia saria and falastiin all thnks
#13 Maryam 2012-08-04 05:05
Assalam Walikum
Stay in Makkah and do dua for us.
#12 Walid Taj 2012-08-04 02:04
Salaam-alaikum, my dear Sheikh. Go with the fundraiser. I believe there is more reward in it, since the message is cast abroad. I also have a separate topic to discuss with you, my dear Sheikh, one of my good friends, a former Atheist would love to sit down with you on a Q&A, and wants to take his Shahada with you. This would be a great honor in getting to meet you and have my friend embrace Islam.

May Allah have blessings on you, my dear Sheikh.
#11 Ibnserir 2012-08-02 23:28
assalamu Alykum, brother yusef, I love you in sake of Allah."uheebuku m fillah Sheikh" do go and have Ummrah sheikh it will bring you much more barakah, and strengh to accomlsh more effort in dawah and it's always good to have a break especialy to get closer to Allah. and Allah will bring you more opportunity to give dawah on TV programm.
essalamu Alaykum
#10 Ardi 2012-08-02 06:32
Selam Alejkum. Not only are the ummah today in need of scholarly information, but more importantly the Non-Muslims need clear guidanance and reliable information about Islam and Muslims. So I think staying in Makkah has its rewards and there is no place like it. But i think dawah and raising funds for it is of much more importance and nesessity. May Allah guide us all to not only express Islam but live Islam, and revitalise our glory and honor and become the best examples for humanity. Allah Akbar. Amen
#9 jamaal mohammed warfaa 2012-08-02 05:48
asalmu alaykum
brother shiekh yusuf estes may Allah reward you your hardworking of dawah. May Allah guide us ameen. On the issue of the two i would like to recommend you that the Imrah is important but the dawah is more important than it. Simple example is how many years did the prophet spent dawah and how times he perform imrah.
Go and raise the fund and continue the dawah. May Allah reward you Ameen
#8 fatimah 2012-08-01 15:41
go for the fund raising, ALLAH knows the best, maybe someone will take shahadah. may ALLAH guide you and us. AMEEN
#7 sk 2012-08-01 08:23
you can go back to makkah another time. do things which more important & what is needed at the current time .
#6 walid 2012-07-31 05:21
Fund rising of Ya Sheikh
#5 silver shine 2012-07-31 04:40
sheikh do ummrah and stay for a some days then pls do join fundraising if you can....
my best regards with you

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