Dr. Bilal Philips has possibly done more to present true Islam, based on actual translations of Quran and hadeeth (teachings of Muhammad, peace be upon him), than any other English speaker in the west.
His many books have helped guide many of us "converts" to Islam and to grasp a better sense of understanding the balanced and middle-path way of Islam. Letting Almighty God's Will be done in our lives is one of the most iimportant parts of being a true Muslim and this prayer for God's Will used to be an essential ingredient in the life of the early Muslims. Maybe if we turn back to this essential ingredient now, it could make more positive changes in our daily lives, inshallah.
Here is the Salatul Istakharah (prayer for God's Will in our lives) presented by Dr. Bilal Philips:
God's Will Be Done
Salatul Istakharah
the Prayer for God's Will On Earth
Islaam, being the natural way, recognises the innate human need for help in making decisions and has protected the faith of its followers from corruption and given them a sense of contentment and peace in their daily lives by providing guidance in this regard. That guidance consists of clear instructions to the believers to put their trust ultimately in God whenever decisions are to be taken. When trust is placed in the divine decree, a sense of contentment and happiness is sure to follow
Jaabir said, “The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught us to make the prayer seeking good in all affairs the way that he taught us a chapter from the Qur’aan.
He said, “If any of you decides on a matter, he should pray two rakah (units of voluntary prayer) then say:
Allaahumma innee astakheeruka bi ‘ilmika, wa astaqdiruka bi qudratika, wa as’aluka min fadlikal-‘atheem
Meaning - [O Allaah, I seek your guidance to what is good for me because of your infinite knowledge, I seek Your help because of Your power, and I ask You from Your great favor]
Fa innaka taqdiru wa laa aqdiru, wa ta‘lamu wa laa a‘lamu, wa anta ‘allaamul-ghuyoob
Meaning - [For surely You are able and I am not, You know and I do not, and You alone know the unseen]
Allaahumma in kunta ta‘lamu anna haathal amra khayrun lee fee deenee wa ma‘aashee wa ‘aaqibati amree (or fee ‘aajili amree wa aajilih)
Meaning - [O Allaah, if You know that this affair {mention the affair by name} is good for my religion, my livelihood and the aftermath of my affairs [or the short term of my affairs or its long term]
Faqduruhu lee wa yassirhu lee thumma baariklee feeh
Meaning - [then decree it for me, make it easy for me, and bless me in it]
Wa in kunta ta‘lamu anna haathal-amra sharrun lee fee deenee wa ma‘aashee wa ‘aaqibati amree
(or fee ‘aajili amree wa aajilih)
Meaning - [but, if You know that this affair {mention the affair by name} is bad for my religion, my livelihood and the aftermath of my affairs [ or the short term of my affairs or its long term]
Fasrifhu ‘annee wasrifnee ‘anhu, waqdurlee al-khayra haythu kaana, thumma rad-dinee bih
Meaning - [then turn it away from me and turn me away from it, and decree for me what is better wherever it may be, and make me content with it.].”
Taken from the book, "Dream Interpretaion According to Quran and Sunnah"
by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, chapter 2: Dream Interpretation