Questions - Does Islam Have Answers

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Allah? Arabic? Women?
Evolution? Destiny? 
Jihad? Shari'ah? Muhammad?

We Need Answers - Now!

This section has been setup to give answers to many questions asked by people about or regarding the Quran. Feel free to copy / save / distribute any of our links and or our site content.

I want to learn arabic so i can read the Quran?
Answer: Visit our new site:

Why does the Quran use "WE" and "HE" in Quran when referring to God (Allah)?
Answer: This is called the "Royal We" and is similar in meaning for both English & Arabic (click here): 

Is there Proof the Quran is from God (Allah) ?
Answer: Many Miracles Admitted by Top Scientists (see videos here)

What do the Letters "Alif Laam Meem" and "Ta Ha" in the Quran mean?
Answer: These 'mystery' letters are actually one of the miracles of Quran (click here)? 

Answer: Read it here

Does the Quran say anything about the Origin of the Universe ???

Answer: Read it here

Does the Quran say anything about the Mountains ???

Answer: Read it here

Does the Quran say anything about the Clouds ???

Answer: Read it here

Does the Quran say anything about the Seas and Internal Waves ???

Answer: Read it here

Does the Quran say anything about the Sea and Rivers ???

Answer: Read it here

Does the Quran say anything about the the Human Embryonic Development ???

Answer: Read it here

Does the Quran say anything about the the Cerubum ???

Answer: Read it here

Science In The Quran ???

Answer: Listen to our lecture

Does the Quran and Hadith contain anything about Science ???

Answer: Watch our Video

Does the Quran contain anything about Human development ???

Answer: Watch our Video

No Brainer - Creation? Evolution? God?

Answer: Watch our Video