Quran's Predictions Proven (again)
Science Confirms Quran (again)...
Another "proof" coming from the Quran over 1,400 years ago. (read)
The DEAD SEA - The LOWEST Place On Earth
The Dead Sea (Arabic: البحر الميت al-Bahr al-Mayyit, Hebrew: יָם הַמֶּלַח, Yām Ha-Melaḥ, "Sea of Salt"), also called the Salt Sea, is a salt lake bordering Jordan to the east and Israel and the West Bank to the west. Its surface and shores are 423 metres (1,388 ft) below sea level, the lowest elevation on the Earth's surface on dry land. The Dead Sea is 377 m (1,237 ft) deep, the deepest hypersaline lake in the world.
The Qur’aan mentions the lowest part of the earth and states that it is near Jerusalem, where a battle took place between the Persians and the Greeks. Allah, may He be Exalted and Glorified, said in the Qur’aan:
Alif Laam Meem, the Romans have been defeated, in the lowest part of the land (adnal-ardh), but after defeat they will soon be victorious. (Qur’aan 30:1-3).
The term "adna" means both nearer and lowest.
Many commentators of the Quran, May Allah be pleased with all of them, were of the opinion that "adnal-ardh" meant the nearest land to the Arabian Peninsula.
However, the second meaning (lowest) is also there. In this way, the Glorious Quran gives one word several meanings, as described by the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, when he said;
I have been given the most comprehensive words. (recorded in the Sahihs of Bukhari & Muslim)
When we investigated the lowest part of the earth, we found that it was exactly the same spot that witnessed the battle in which the Romans were defeated.
When we informed Professor Palmer about this, he contested saying that there were many other areas which are lower than the one referred to in the Quran's verse. He gave examples and names of other areas in Europe and in the United States.
We assured him that our information was verified and correct. He had with him a topographical globe that showed elevations and depressions. He said that it would be easy with that globe to ascertain which was the lowest spot on earth. He turned the globe with his hands and focused his sign on the area near Jerusalem. To his astonishment, there was a small arrow sticking out towards that area with words: "the lowest part on the face of the earth."
Professor Palmer was quick to concede that our information was correct. He proceeded to speak, referring to the globe, saying - this is actually the lowest part of the earth.
Professor Palmer: It took place in the area of the Dead Sea which is up here and interestingly enough the labeling on the globe says "the world’s lowest point". So the Quran is certainly is supported by the interpretation of that critical word.
Professor Palmer was even more astonished when he found out the Quran speaks about:
The Quran even describes the future of the land of Arabs and the future of the whole earth. At this, Professor Palmer acknowledged that the Quran is such a wondrous Book which describes the past, the present, and the future.
- How creation first began; how the earth and heavens were created
- How the water gushed forth from the depth of the earth
- How the mountains were anchored on land
- How vegetation first began
- How mountains are like "tent stakes" holding the earth's crust
- How Quran describes changes on earth's surface (like in Arabia's Peninsula)
(all these are more are described in detail by scientists on www.ScienceIslam.com)
Like many other scientists, Professor Palmer was hesitant at first. But soon later he was forthcoming with his opinions. In Cairo, he presented a research paper dealing with the inimitable aspects of geological knowledge contained in the Quran. He said that he did not know what was the state of the art in the field of science during the days of the Prophet Muhammad. But from what we know about the scanty knowledge and means at that time, we can undoubtedly conclude that the Quran is a light of divine knowledge revealed to Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam). Here are the concluding remarks of Professor Palmer:
We need research into the history of early Middle Eastern oral traditions to know whether in fact such historical events have been reported. If there is no such record, it strengthens the belief that Allah transmitted through Muhammad bits of his knowledge that we have only discovered for ourselves in recent times. We look forward to a continuing dialogue on the topic of science in the Qur’aan in the context of geology. Thank you very much.
This is no less than a reminder to (all) the worlds. And you shall certainly know the truth of it (all) after a while.(38:87-88).
Time to share this link (now) - www.ScienceIslam.com
Check out this article we also found on QuranMiracles.com

Verse 3 of the sura The Romans speaks of the defeat of the Romans at the lowest part of the earth. The Arabic expression “edna al ard” (the lowest part of the earth) has been translated by some commentators as “land close by.” We think that this rendering does not express the essential meaning of the verse, that such a rendering may be taken as a secondary meaning. The translators were at a loss to understand the exact meaning of “edna al ard” and thought it best to give it the secondary meaning. We hope that after our remarks they will revise their work.
In the lowest part of the earth…(30:3)
The region where the Byzantines suffered defeat was the Dead Sea, a place that is approximately 400 meters below the sea level, viz. the lowest spot of the earth, the highest being the Himalayas. A miracle of the Quran was its prediction of the war that was to be won by the Romans, a fact that at the time could hardly have been expected; another miracle was its foreknowledge about the place being the lowest spot on earth; something that could only be verified with the measuring techniques we gained in the last century.
Truly God fulfilled His messenger’s vision. You will enter the Restricted Mosque in security, if God wills. You will cut your hair or shorten it, you will not have any fear. Since He knew what you did not know, He has preceded this with an immediate victory.(48:27)
Another prophecy similar to the victory of the Romans was the realization of the premonitory dream of Muhammad in which he saw himself entering the Restricted Mosque (the mosque which surrounded the Kaaba of Mecca, the place of pilgrimage). Just to remind you, the Prophet and his followers had been expelled from Mecca and the Meccans were superior both in military power and equipment.
Many prophets died before they could establish sovereignty in the land in which they spread their religion. Had there been no such tidings, Muhammad could not possibly have foreseen that the day would come when he would be in a position to conquer Mecca.
All Quranic verses reflect poise, confidence and self-reliance. There is nothing in them to suggest the ambivalence, vacillation and equivocation that one can encounter in other works whose authors were human beings.
We have sent down to you a Book explaining all things, a guide, a mercy and glad tidings for those who submit.(16:89)
Time to share this link (now) - www.ScienceIslam.com