Some Sources Say Osama bin laden is dead. Some say He is Not Dead. Others Say He Has Been Dead for Years.

Muslims are not happy with Bin Laden, nor his gang of men. Some think his own people may have turned him in for the reward.
A lady in Sudan said her brother was killed, blown up in a mosque while praying the Friday prayers, and so were hundreds of others - this was in the 1990's. And she said it was Osama's gang who did it.
For years she was afraid to let down her guard and really weep for the loss of her brother but now, she says it is over and she can cry - and find peace.
The Question is - WHAT DO YOU SAY?
We had a LIVE CALL-IN show on Guide US TV, May 2, Monday 2011 - people made their own comments at the bottom of this page (read & add your comments too)..

Is this picture really Osama Bin Laden? Or is it a fake? Take a close look and tell us...
Major news networks set to broadcast US President Obama discussing the details of killing the man accused of killing thousands in the World Trade Center disaster of September 11, 2001.
President Obama is went to live on national TV to confirm and give details aabout the death of Osama bin Laden. Here is what one source said about the whole thing:
1st May 2011 Osama Bin Laden -Shot to death in his residence.
By the time news reached British daytime news, he was already buried at sea (conforming to Islamic tradition?)
Sorry, but why?
Why would US forces kill him and then take his body to be buried at sea?
Because they really felt he deserved a respectful funeral at sea?
Why didn't they take his body to a U.S. base? Or at least hold onto it for a while?
Have we seen any pictures of his body? (see article about 'Fake Fotos')
I know of many Islamic funerals that have taken place on land.
The reason he was buried at sea is because nobody will EVER find his body.
Now the masses have been told he is dead, that is what we all believe right?
There are many reasons why the US would want to claim they had killed OBL..
OK - you guys can make up your own minds.Was he a villian? Or a victim? Or a Hero? -- Tell us how you feel about this man, what he did and how people should remember him.