Who Are The Worried People?

What Do They Fear?

What Do They Fear?
But what is it that most concerns them?
Depends on who and what - Who are the people that are so worried? What is it they fear? Do they really understand what Islam is really all about? If they do, then why would they be afraid in the first place?
Only ignorance or deviance from truth would cause someone to fear Islam.
Consider this - If they knew for instance, the word 'Islam' itself is only a way to express in Arabic the relationship of a believer and his God, why would they be afraid of it?
Check it out on a number of websites and see for yourself - the true meaning of the word is the opposite of aggression, oppression or terrorism, as many of these pundits of fear and terror profess. The so-called 'experts' and 'advisors' to leaders and journalists around the world are clearly misleading the public while making a name for themselves (and putting a few bucks in their pockets at the same time.
See for yourself: - www.WhatsIslam.com - www.IslamNewsroom.com/news-we-need/468 - www.IslamTomorrow.com/islam
So after reading the clear message that Islam is all about 'Surrendering' in 'Peace' to One Almighty God -
What Is Their Problem?

There a several possiblities not the least of which is not really being convinced of what Islam really is by the definition of a word translated to the English language. For this I would have to agree with them.
It is only through the actual encounter with people who are followers of a particular faith that we would be able to draw rational and reasonable conclusions. This makes it necessary to know first hand, some Muslims and actually take time to see how they live, what they do and how they think.
And frankly speaking, here in the United States at least, we do not always have the best representation of what Muslims are supposed to be all about. True or not?
When Muslims are caught cheating, lying, stealing, selling and using drugs, drinking alcohol and abusing other people, what is someone supposed to think? Especially when they lie even more and try to make some kind of connection between their actions and justify what they are doing by referring to statements in Quran or from the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
So the first problem is very clear - one look at some Muslims - it is enough to convince most people looking from the outside in, that all Muslims are bad and Islam is certainly involved somehow.
See what Ghandi had to say about 'Islam' (click the pic)

Good Question...
Another problem might be the fear of what others would think.
Truthfully, anyone would have misgivings about saying anything positive about Islam and Muslims these days, much less defending Islam against an onslaught of daily insults and attacks coming against Islam through all channels of information.
No doubt most would feel afraid of speaking up and saying the truth about Islam, even if they were themselves convinced it was not as the media has portrayed it.
There is no real support for the Muslim faith in America these days, except a few scattered and understaffed organizations, and even they might not give off a totally positive and correct image of real Islam, whether out of concern for not fitting in or perhaps against their organizations political position, or for whatever reason.
Support is just not there for those who choose to stand up and say the truth. At the same time there is full support, media recognition, certain fame and even money for those who choose to continue to defame and put down Islam.
The big misconception of worshipping some false god has overtaken common sense to the extent on Youtube we see people saying things against Islam - that in fact, Islam is all about. The single one most important issue of Islam - is correct worship for the One God - of Adam, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus Christ and Muhammad, peace be upon them all.
So, how could this message get so corrupted that it is being seen as the very opposite of what it calls to?
Good Question -
Consider this, Muslims today (around the world) are far more concerned with their own person situation and life in this world, that they are about communicating the message of real Islam to their families, friends and neighbors.
The real solution to the world's problem with Islam is - MUSLIMS.
That's right. Muslims are responsible for this problem of miscommunication of the message of our beloved prophet, peace be upon him.
Allah has commanded the Muslims to live as the example for us all, and to call to the 'maruf' and forbid the 'munkar' - but do we do it?
Also, the prophet, peace be upon him, in his very last 'Farewell Sermon' ordered those present to go out and tell those who were not present and he prayed that those who heard it at the end would understand it better than those who were present.
But are we doing it?
Here is something we can all do right now - no more playing games and no more complaining against others - just do it:
#1 Support the work and effort of our many websites
#2. Tell others about this effort to communicate the message of Islam in American, in simple English.
#3. Pray for us and ask others to do the same...
Here is the website for www.IslamISrising.com

Here is the website for financial support: www.DonateForIslam.com
Here is our website to Share Islam - www.ShareIslam.com
Here is our website to Watch Islam - www.WatchIslam.com
Here is our website to Hear Islam - www.HearIslam.com
Here is our website for Links to Islam - www.LinksToIslam.com
Here is our website for Chat Islam - www.ChatIslam.com
And now - On Television all across America - on 3 satellites - www.GuideUS.TV
Here is our VIDEO - for "What's Islam" [click]