U.S. Soldier Kills His Own Troops In Iraq
Officer? Doctor? Muslim? KILLER?
Doctors Don't Take Lives!
Soldiers Don't Kill Their Own!
And Muslims Don't Kill Innocent Souls!
So, how could Nidal Hasan, an army officer, medical doctor - practicing Muslim -
Shoot innocent people?" click Read more..
Egyptian Doctor Develops Life Saving "Double Heart" Technique
Muslim Doctor Invents "Two Heart" System - Saves Baby Girl
"Double Heart" design offers amazing solution for major heart problems.
Women Enter Islam
18 Women Convert Stories
* Former Jew * Jenny * Helena * Karima Slack * Erin/Sumaya * Laura * A Kiwi * Ex-Atheist
Muslim Sisters: Filipinos, Germans, Jews, Latinos, Kiwis, Aussies, Canadians more..
British Doctor Became Muslim
Dr. Ian Weber Accepts Islam
(Arabic Translation in Video)
When I met Teriq, while visiting Lebanon, he helped me to understand and.. [Video click here]
Muslims in US Military: Yes/No?
From Blogs: "Why are Muslim invaders allowed in our country?”
“Muslims must be deported – now!”
“..they are NOT Americans!”
FACT IS – Nidal Hasan - Army Major - Doctor of psychiatry & a MUSLIM - Is suspected of killing 13 and shooting 29 more of his own...
"Saved Sect" of Islam? Which Group?
"Which Group is the Right Group?"
- by Yusuf Estes
Fifth Edition - August 2, 2009"It is He (Allah) who has named you MUSLIMS.." [22:78]
- Yusuf Estes [For a printable page 'click' here]
Seems like these days the Muslims now come in "All Flavors."
There are so many different names of so many groups in the world today.
But which are the "true Muslims?"
These groups have names like:
Sunnies, Salafies, Shi'ites, Ahmadiyah, Kadianis Sufis, Nation of Islam, Hanafi, Shafi, Wahabi, Moorish Science, Five Percenters, Aghakhanis, Ansar Allah, Modernists, Reformed Muslims - etc.
So many sects and groups - all claim to be the "saved sect of Islam"
- But which one is the real Islam?
- How do we know for sure?
Good Questions!
Catholic Woman Convert to Islam
Yes! EX-Catholic woman accepted Islam
Here is her story of strange things..
Adopt Islam Website Join Us
Adoption? - For Websites?
Yes! Join Yusuf Estesdawah on the web.
Hosting over 4,000 domains. EZ to Join Now - Many Muslims have..
Hajj 2009 Updates - Limits
Age - Health Limits for 1430 A.H. (C.E. 2009)
Order Hajj DVD |
Get restricitons for your country - www.PerformHajj.com
Egypt - Malaysia - Turkey - Tunisia - China - UK - USA - Canada - Iran and more...
Get Away with "MURDER"
Law of equality in Islam? Someone kills on purpose - the family gets ramsom money & He walks free! Is this fair? [Answer - Read more..]
Gays: Their Place in Islam
G a y s (Homosexuals)?
"What is Their Place in Islam?"
The subject of "Gays " is certainly a topic of concern for all of us.
For this reason we decided to publish a page on the subject with hopes Allah will accept it from us.
You may comment on this topic by...
Week's Top Ten Stories
2. Gog & Magog? Earthquakes? Last Days?.
3. Ancient Bible Discovered
4.Egypt's 'Faykh Shaykh' Gives Fakh Fatwa
5. Muslim Woman's Husband Is - GAY?
6.World Earthquakes - Prophesized?
7. "Apostates" Does Islam Say "Kill Them?"
8.Facebook? Myspace? Twitter? Haram?
9. Islams Women? Ayesha's Age at Marriage?
10. "Saved Sect of Islam" [click Read more..]]
New Arabic University in NY? YES
There's A New School
with "Old-School" Teachings in
Queens, NY
Located on Steinway St. just across from Iman Masjid, you may be surprised to learn about "learning". There is a place known as
JIHAD - Holy War Or Self Defense?
The Real Truth -
"The World's Most Misunderstood Word Today"
From www.AboutJIHAD.com
Millions Attend India Peace Conference
Millions Pray for Peace
At Peace Conference in India
"Biggest Success of Its Kind"
Dr. Zakir Naik, Fariq Naik,
Yusuf Estes, Dr. Jamal Badawi,
Salem Alamry, Husein Yee,
Abduraheem Green, many more..
Standing Room Only - Thousands Upon Thousand
Joined in Prayer with Imams of Jerusalem and Madinah
Why So Many Accepting Islam?
When Yusuf Estes visited the "Bible Belt"
They loved him and his message he calls:
"Difference Between ISLAM & HIS-SLAM"
North Korea Shoots 5 Missiles - More Coming
More Coming Next Few Days!
Seoul - North Korea could be firing a lot more missiles to show off a bit, before upcoming talks about ending North Korea's nuke weapons program.
According to Yonhap news, quoting government sources.
Today (Tues. Oct. 13) a report says the North Koreans are preparing for ... [Read more..]
Mumbai Terror Survivor Embraces ISLAM - Why?
Survivor of Terror Attack Accepts Islam
NEW YORK - An American Catholic Christian and survivor of a terrorist attack in Mumbai, India last November overcame hatred and opened his mind to learn and discover Islam and..
Becomes A Muslim
Dennis O'Brien Survivor of Mumbai Terror Attack ACCEPTS ISLAM |
Dennis O’Brien, a Catholic, wanted to comprehend the basis of faith of people accused of committing the attack in Mumbai. He discovered in fact, the gunmen were certainly not following Islam at all. In fact, anyone who might take the time to open their eyes, open their minds and open their hearts would have to come to the very same conclusion.
Sunday, just after Eid salat and standing before a crowd of thousands, Dennis O’Brien embraced Islam.
He declared..
Egypt's 'Faykh Shaykh' Fatwa Causes Big Backlash
To Cover Up
"One Faykh Shaykh does not shake our faith!" - say Egyptian women, known to be outspoken and highly intelligent. Regardless of fatwas (Islamic rulings) they know what real Islam is all about.
And these women speak out for the "Right to Cover Up"
Shaykh Saeyd At-Tantawi's recent prohibition on the face cover (niqab) has caused more..
Quran Verses on Baby?
Quran Verses on A Baby? Yes!
KIZLYAR, Russia (Reuters) –
Verses from Quran appear every few weeks on Russian Muslim baby ...
UK - 30 Arrested at Anti-Islam Demonstration
Anti-Islam Demonstration
Turns Violent
Manchester, UK - Oct. 11 -- More than 30 were arrested here yesterday (Saturday) when a grouop of demonstrators against Islam clashed with anti-racism protesters, according to police.
"No More Mosques in England"
..said large posters being waved by English Defence League (EDL) in the faces of supporters of Unite Against Facism. Trouble broke out just as..
Catholic Archbishop Is Gay!
Ex-Archbishop Says - He's Gay
His Book Tells All
Archbishop of the Catholic Church, Rembert Weakland, admits to being homosexual in his new book released last June.
Catholics have argued for many years about priests, bishops and all clergy being mostly homosexual. Estimates from on fourth to over half of all religious leadership amongst the Catholic priesthood are "gays" or homosexual, according research by Rev. Donald Cozzens, in his book, "The Changing Face of the Priesthood."
The homosexual archbishop says Christians need..
Muslims Say "Fakh Shakh" Bans Niqab - Also Made Rida OK
1st He Makes Riba - "Halal" (permits usury)
Now He Forces Young Girls To UNCOVER?!
– Yasir Qadhi talks about “Mu-Shaykh al-Azhar - At-Tantawi
Dr Sayyid Tantawi Azhar |
Once he ruled "haram" on "riba", later said the exact same type of transaction was "halal" (permitted).
When asked why he changed his opinion, Dr. Tantawi said, "Riba is a mystery of mysteries surrounding in a mystery"
(Looks like Tantawi is the 'mystery')
- That statement got him the title of "Grand Mufti" (big scholar) of Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt.
Now the "Niqab" Incident - today -
Tantawi forces 16 year old girl to uncover in front of him (nice guy, eh?)
[click the Read more...]
Sucide Bomber in Pakistan
Pakistan Military On Guard |
UN Condemns Pakistan Suicide Bombing
The U.N. Secretary-General is condemning the terrorist attack that killed five World Food Program aid workers in Islamabad, Pakistan. Several other people were injured in the attack as well.
Islamabad police say a suicide bomber disguised as a security officer...
Am I Gay? - Bisexual or What is this in Islam?
Bisexual - A Question Of Desire And Faith
(Can you help me?)
Iranian President A Secret Jew?
UK Paper Claims "Ahmadinejad is Jewish"?
Last weekend, the Telegraph a British newspaper published an article claiming the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was a Jewish "convert" to Islam.
Jewish by birth, according to the UK paper, his family had changed their last name from Sabourjian, which they claimed was a Jewish name meaning "cloth weaver".
The report goes on to say,
Rape & Sexual Assault - Every 5 Minutes
Canadian statistics: |
Do Women Need Protection From Men?
What about U.S.? UK? Europe? Africa? Other countries?
Read "Veil of Islam - Compared to Jewish - Christian Values"
[CLICK the "Read more.."]
Non-Nuke Missile Test in Iran Concerns Obama, Israel
Iran Testing Long Range Missiles
Obama - Israel Accuse Iran of Secret Nuke Plant
Monday, September 28 8:18 AM EST - TEHRAN, IRAN - Officials in Iran claim, "We are only conducting "routine, long-planned military exercises" - Totally dismissing Israel and President Obama's concerns of "Secret Nuke Plants".
Western media, quick to pick up on the tensions and political opportunities, were fast to present these tests as a "Show of Force" from Iran. Israel very much is against having any of their neighbors armed and able to defend themselves against nuclear attacks.
U.S. government officials in U.S. refused to answer questions concerning...