Google Power Abuse - Taking Over Islam's YOUTUBE site

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Google Takeover of Islamic Sites
Shocks Online Muslim Community

Take Over Attempt of Popular (owned by Texas convert, Yusuf Estes) is sending warnings throughout the Muslim world today.

As the Internet search engine company throws its weight around, some authorities begin considering regulations on Internet domain monopoly.

Law suits against Google total over 435,000 pages (that's right, fourhundred thrityfive thousand pages) of lawsuits against Google - and this is a report coming from their own search engine!

The popular Islamic video sharing website, established over three-and-a-half years by Sheikh Yusuf Estes, a popular ...

... American lecturer, often called the "funny sheik", is 100 percent child safe and visited by thousands of net surfers for videos on a variety of subjects.
“Our little website became very popular with even non-Muslims. Everywhere we go people tell us how much they appreciate having something of this high moral value, excellent quality and professional approach to presenting Islam,” said Yusuf Estes.
The Sheikh says Google, the owner of, is trying to scare people into giving them their website domain names if they contain anything with the sound or appearance of the words like “tube”, “you”, “youtoo”, “youtube”, “tubeyou” or even words like “tub”, if connected in some way with anything like “U”.
Since earlier this year, Google’s law firm has been trying to take ownership of

 Read the entire story on Saudi