6 Articles Of FAITH

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6 Pillars of Faith

Six Pillars of Faith

Arkan al-Iman (Arabic), are fundamental beliefs we hold as our belief system. These six pillars are the foundation for every Muslim. They are essential to understanding Islamic theology.

  1. Belief in Allah (God): This is the affirmation of the oneness of Allah, recognizing Him as the sole creator, sustainer, and sovereign of the universe. Muslims believe that Allah is unique, without partner or equal, and is the only one worthy of worship.
  2. Belief in Angels: Angels are beings created from light. They are obedient servants carrying out Allah's commands, delivering revelations to prophets, recording human deeds, and taking souls at the time of death.
  3. Belief in Holy Books: Divine recitations and scriptures revealed by Allah to all His prophets throughout history. Revealed Books like Torah (to Moses, peace be to him), Psalms (to David, peace be to him), the Gospel (Jesus, peace be to him), and the Quran (to Muhammad, peace be to him). The Quran (means: Recitation) is the final and complete revelation, superseding all previous scriptures.
  4. Belief in Prophets: Prophets are sent by Allah to guide humanity. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, are all prophets, peace be upon them all. Each prophet was sent with Allah's message to their own communities. Muhammad, peace be upon him, was sent for the entire world.
  5. Belief in Day of Judgment: The final day all individuals will be resurrected and held accountable for their deeds. They will testify against themselves. Allah’s Mercy and Forgiveness will be for those who believed and did good deeds, those who didn’t believe will get the punishment they deserve based on actions and faith.
  6. Belief in Divine Decree (Qadar): Allah has complete knowledge and control over everything happening at all times. He has total understanding and control of everything, good or bad, according to Allah's will and wisdom. Humans have choices, but no control over anything. Everything goes along with Allah's divine decree.

These pillars are the foundation of our faith and practice found in Quran and explained by Muhammad, peace be upon him.