ISLAM (explained)

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Whats Islam EXPOSED

Question #1:

What is "Islam"?

ISLAM” is Arabic, from a root: S,L,M. English meaning: “Surrender (to God), Submit (to God), Obey (God), Sincere (to God), and in Peace (with God)”.

ISLAM gives proof for everything (even creation), beliefs and actions are based on truth with proof for everthing!

Question #2:
What is a "Muslim"?

"MUSLIM" is again Arabic, and same root: S,L,M. meaning: "One who surrenders, submits, obeys, is sincere and in peace with God.

Question #3
What are the "Beliefs"?

  1. Tawhid (توحيد) Belief in the Oneness of God. Muslims affirm Allah is the sole, unparalleled deity, the creator and sustainer of the universe.
  2. Belief in Angels مَلَك (maleek): Angels are created by Allah. They do whatever Allah orders them to do, like giving messages of revelations to prophets.
  3. Belief in the Holy Books: Muslims acknowledge the divine scriptures revealed to various prophets, including the Torah (to Moses), the Psalms (to David), the Gospel (to Jesus), and the Quran (to Muhammad).
  4. Belief in the Prophets: A succession of prophets, from Adam to Muhammad, conveyed Allah's guidance to humanity. Muhammad is regarded as the final prophet.
  5. Belief in the Day of Judgment: Muslims anticipate a final assessment of deeds, leading to reward or punishment in the hereafter.
  6. Belief in Predestination (Qadar): This tenet holds Allah's omniscience encompasses all events, yet human free will remains integral.

    What are the "Actions"?

These beliefs are further expressed through the Five Pillars of Islam, which are:

  1. Shahada (Declaration of Faith): Professing: “There is no god, except Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah.”
  2. Salat (Connection with Allah): Performing this connection for communication in early morning (Fajr), noon time (Duhur), afternoon (Air), sunset (Magrib), and late night (Esha).
  3. Zakat (Charity): Give 2% of wealth, (minimum for the year) directly to all needy people.
  4. Saum Ramadan (Fast month of Ramadan): Not eating or drinking, or having interment relations in daylight hours, all month.
  5. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca): Travel to Mecca in the month of Dhu al-Hijjah (ذو الحجة) once in the life, if physically and financially able.

These proofs and actions are the basis of the beliefs in Islam and are the actions Muslims are supposed to do.

What’s the difference between “ISLAM” & “MUSLIM”?

ISLAM” is the action taken by someone who really believes in the CREATOR.

MUSLIM” is the one who does the action.

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