BABY Names (NEW)

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Choosing a name just right for a newborn child is a cherished tradition in Islam, it will affect our child's identity and heritage.

As parents, grandparents, and Great Grand Parents, we know names we give our children can affect their entire life.

While choosing names for your newborn, know the proper meaning, and popular spelling (we want them to be proud of their names).

Arabic & Muslim Girls Names

Beautiful Meanings & Pronunciation:


  1. Aaliyah (عالية)AA-lee-yah – Exalted, noble
  2. Aamna (آمنة)AA-mna – Safe, secure
  3. Aisha (عائشة)AA-ee-sha – Alive, (Prophet’s wife )
  4. Amani (أماني)A-MA-nee – Wishes, aspirations
  5. Amira (أميرة)A-MEE-ra – Princess, leader
  6. Anisa (أنيسة)A-NEE-sa – Friendly, gentle
  7. Asiya (آسية)AA-see-ya – Comforting
  8. Azeeza (عزيزة)A-ZEE-za – Mighty, powerful
  9. Ayah (آية)AA-ya – Sign, miracle
  10. Azra (عذراء)AZ-ra – Pure, untouched


  1. Basma (بسمة)BAS-ma – Smile
  2. Batool / Batul (بتول)BA-tool – Pure, chaste
  3. Bayan (بيان)BA-yan – Clarity, eloquence
  4. Bushra (بشرى)BUSH-ra – Good news, glad tidings


  1. Dana (دانا)DA-na – Wise, knowledgeable
  2. Dania (دانية)DA-nee-ya – Near, close
  3. Durrah (درة)DOO-rrah – Pearl
  4. Duaa (دعاء)DU-AA – Supplication, prayer


  1. Eimaan (إيمان)EE-maan – Faith, belief
  2. Eshaal (إشعال)E-SHAAL – Kindling, lighting up


Fadwa (فدوى)FAD-wa – Self-sacrificing

  1. Fahima (فاهِمة)FA-hee-ma – Intelligent, understands
  2. Farah (فرح)FA-rah – Joy, happiness
  3. Fatima (فاطمة)FA-tee-ma – Prophet’s daughter
  4. Fawzia (فوزية)FAW-zee-ya – Victorious
  5. Firdaus (فردوس)FIR-dows – Highest in paradise


  1. Ghazala (غزالة)GHA-za-la – Intelligent, gazelle
  2. Ghada (غادة)GHA-da – Graceful, young woman


  1. Hadiya / Hidaya (هادية)HA-dee-ya – Guidance, Guide, leader
  2. Hafsa (حفصة)HAF-sa – Prophet’s wife
  3. Hajar (هاجر)HA-jar – Prophet Ibrahim
  4. Halima (حليمة)HA-lee-ma – Gentle, patient
  5. Hana (هناء)HA-na – Happiness, bliss


  1. Ibtihaal (ابتهال)IB-ti-haal – Devotion, prayer
  2. Ilham (إلهام)IL-haam – Inspiration
  3. Iman (إيمان)EE-man – Faith, belief
  4. Inaya (عناية)I-NA-ya – Care, protection
  5. Iqra (اقرأ)IQ-ra – Read, command in Quran


  1. Jameela (جميلة)JA-mee-la – Elegant, graceful
  2. Jannah (جنة)JAN-na – Paradise
  3. Jawahir (جواهر)JA-wa-hir – Jewels


  1. Kalthoom (كلثوم)KAL-thoom – Prophet’s daughter
  2. Karima (كريمة)KA-ree-ma – Generous, noble
  3. Khadijah (خديجة)KHA-dee-ja  Prophet’s 1st wife


  1. Laila (ليلى)LAY-la – Night, beauty
  2. Lina (لينا)LEE-na – Tender, soft
  3. Lubna (لبنى)LUB-na – A type of tree


  1. Maha (مها)MA-ha – Beautiful eyes, wild cow
  2. Mahira (ماهرة)MA-hee-ra – Skilled, talented
  3. Mariam (مريم)MA-ree-yam – Jesus’ Mother
  4. Mehwish (مہوش)MEH-wish – Moon-like face
  5. Mina (مينة)MI-na – Light, wish
  6. Munira (منيرة)MU-nee-ra – Illuminating
  7. Muslima (مسلمة)MUS-li-ma – Devout Muslim


  1. Nadia (نادية)NA-dee-ya – Caller, generous
  2. Naila (نائلة)NA-ee-la – Successful, winner
  3. Naseema (نسيمة)NA-see-ma – Gentle breeze
  4. Noor (نور)NOOR – Light


  1. Omaira (عميرة)O-MAI-ra – Red, a Sahabiyyah


  1. Qamar (قمر)QA-mar – Moon


  1. Rabia (رابعة)RA-bee-a – Springtime
  2. Rania (رانية)RA-nee-ya – Queenly, gazing
  3. Rasha (رشا)RA-sha – Young gazelle
  4. Rayyan (ريّان)RAY-yan – Gate of Jannah


  1. Sabira (صابرة)SA-bi-ra – Patient
  2. Safiya (صفية)SA-fee-ya – Pure, wife of Prophet
  3. Saliha (صالحة)SA-lee-ha – Righteous
  4. Samira (سميرة)SA-mee-ra – Entertainer companion
  5. Sumaya (سمية)SU-ma-ya – First martyr of Islam


  1. Tahira (طاهرة)TA-hee-ra – Pure, chaste
  2. Tasneem (تسنيم)TAS-neem – Fountain in Jannah


  1. Umama (أمامة)U-MA-ma  Prophet’s granddaughter


  1. Yasmin (ياسمين)YAS-meen – Jasmine flower
  2. Yumna (يمنى)YUM-na – Blessed


  1. Zahra (زهرة)ZAH-ra – Flower, radiant
  2. Zainab (زينب)ZAY-nab – Prophet’s daughter
  3. Zubaida (زبيدة)ZU-bai-da – Chosen, pure
  4. Zohra (زهرة)ZO-hra – Brightness, Venus

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