EX-Muslim Is Now MUSLIM

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Muslims * Catholics * Protestants * Buddhists 

  • Muslims * Catholics * Protestants * Buddhists * Orthodox * Jews * Hindus * Sikhs * Deists * Atheists *

  • It starts out as normal - but ends with a XMuslim coming back to ISLAM  —
    •         Use-2BA-Muslim:
    • I won’t say much, in case someone I know puts 2 & 2 together . .
    • << We live in the west. I’m a young male from a XXXX family >>

9d ago - Deist- forever:

  Do you ever plan on coming out to your family?


9d ago  Used-2b-muslim:

When I’m more independent I might, but even then it would be hard cause I still love them.


9d ago Buddhist-thinker:

    Do you plan to search for another religion for yourself? Or do you plan to be irreligious? Of course, it would be perfectly understandable, if you don't know that yet.


8d ago  Used-2b-muslim:

    I looked for something to believe in — I hate the idea of not existing after death. I am a born muslim. I had a hard time leaving, it’s difficult to believe in anything spiritual again.


7d ago  Buddhist-thinker:

     Give yourself a break, don’t rush into anything. I was raised atheist, but found spiritualness in being nice to everyone. All the best.


7d ago  Used-2b-muslim:



7d ago Kabachoca

Look at Dharmic religions: Hinduism, Buddhism & Sikhism. Beliefs like reincarnation, karma, ultimate goal, freedom from everything (Moksha) cycle of birth, death & rebirth - come back as cat, a swan, a bird.


7d ago  Used-2b-muslim:

    My ancestors were buddhists before islam. I like buddhist principles, I might accept Buddhism, not sure.


7d ago Agnostic-thoughts:

     How did you begin to doubt? What started the transition to no belief? Why did you doubt in the 1st place? Was it something specific?


7d ago  Used-2b-muslim:

    I love ancient & historical things. Spiritual aspect of religions are all fake. We can’t deny the many bad things done in the name of religions, like what Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism and Islam. This is what I hate. Buddhists don’t do wars. It has peace and love.


6d ago X-Buddhist

     Whoa! “Buddhists don’t do wars?”

1. Sinhalese Buddhists vs. Tamil Tigers?

2. Sri Lanka (1983-2009)?

3. Myanmar (Burma) vs. the Rohingya Muslims?

4. Buddhist Nationals in Thailand?

5. Tibetans attacking Chinese?

Political Conflicts around the whole world?


6d ago  Used-2b-muslim:

    Ok, I didn’t know all this. But what about people getting their heads cut off, in Quran?


4d ago Muslim-Converts:

     Let’s set the record straight. The Quran (recitation) is only in Arabic. Some of the verses were mis-translated 960 years ago, when English was still going through its development stages.

The verses tell Muslims how to defend themselves, in combat especially, when wearing “ihram” (garments for pilgrims):

     ReciteQuran.com/2:189to 196 deals with superstitions people had about sighting the moon for hajj (pilgrimage), going out the back doors, fighting bandits and people when in hajj to get back their land. Places in Quran dealing with “combat” are in self-defense.


6d ago  Used-2b-muslim:

    But what about violence to wives, in chapter 4?


4d ago Muslim-Converts:

     Muslims are told how to deal with each other in marriage:

    ReciteQuran.com/4:34 to 35 deals with males and females in marriage. How a man treats his wife should be with care and esteem; and wife obeys Allah’s commands. If she doesn’t obey Allah - He is NOT to beat her; he explains to her; if she continues, he leaves their bed (for at least on night); finally he admonishes her again (and returns to the bed with her).


4d ago Used-2b-Muslim:

      I didn’t know this. I will check it out on the link you posted and compare it to my translation of Quran.


2d ago Muslim-Converts:

     You had a chance to look at it?


2d ago Used-2b-Muslim:

      Thanks for trying to help. But you say about the Quran, others say it means in English “slay” or “slaughter the wherever you find them”?

      And the other one you said, is admonish and return to her bed, while they say, “score her” or “beat her”.


2d ago Muslim-Converts:

     If you know Arabic, look to the Mourid (dictionary) and find out the words translated have many uses.

ChatGPT says: Arabic word for "combat" is قِتال (qitāl), used in Quran referring to physical fighting or armed conflict, in the context of self-defense or during warfare. This term in verses, Al-Baqarah (2:190-193), is often translated as "combat" reflecting active engagement in battle or struggle rather than "fighting" or "killing."


2d ago Used-2b-Muslim:

     What about the word “scourge” or “beat”, as in Quran, 4:34?


2d ago Muslim-Converts:

     Scholars commented on this verse in the Quran: Chapter 4, An-Nisa, verse 34.

Here is the result: “The Quran is contextual. It must be understood based on verses related to the subjects being mentioned.

The verse starts by ordering men to be responsible for care of his family and reminds women to “Obey Allah.”

If she is rebellious (nushuz-a hunna) he advises her (fa’izu hunna). If she continues he leaves the bed (wahjuru hunna) — no intimacy, If she still is rebellious - “Walk away.” Leave her alone.

The very next verse makes it very clear:

An-Nisa (4:35): “If you fear a breach between the two, then appoint an arbitrator from his family and an arbitrator from her family. If they both desire reconciliation, Allah will make it possible between them. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Acquainted with all things.”

This provides solutions for couples experiencing difficulties and conflicts.


2d ago Used-2b-Muslim:

     Wait! If this really is what Quran means, what about other verses mentioning war and killing?


2d ago Muslim-Converts:

     Seems you have been reading a “loose translation” of Quran. What specific verses are you referring to?


2d ago Used-2b-Muslim:

     Well, my parents are not Arabs. They only go to masjid occasionally, you know, “taraweh”, two Eids, and weddings, Jummah (sometimes)., and I lived all my life in a “non-Muslim, English speaking country”.


2d ago Muslim-Converts:

     I hear you. It is tough, when people who tell you how to live, don’t live up to their own teachings. You may feel like something — supposed to bring you peace and purpose in life — was all words — but no action.

If the people close to you don’t practice what they preach, it make you question everything. Right?

Think about it: ISLAM is not Muslims, bad or good — Islam is your connection to our Creator. No one stands between you and Him.


2d ago Used-2b-Muslim:

     You have good answers, at least for me. Do you know the verse in the Quran, about the sword? And other verses like it?


2d ago Muslim-Converts:

     You mean, chapter 9, verse 5 (Surah At Tawbah 9:5)


2d ago Used-2b-Muslim:

     Also the verses in ’The Cow’, talking about slaughtering people, and in chapter 4, talking about scourging your wife? What do you say about all that?


2d ago Muslim-Converts:

     Are you talking about in Surah Baqarah, ayat 190 and 191, and Surah 4, An Nisa’a (the Women), ayah 34?

Scourge” is not the proper translation for anything to do with solving problems. This is a very serious mistake in translation.

The proper word to use in this case is, “percuss”, as in when the doctor puts his hand on a patient and taps his own hand to discover what is ailing the patient.

Our prophet, peace be upon him, is our role model and never hit his wives. He told us never to harm them.

The next verse completes the story of a rebellious woman. It tells both of them to get family members to listen to both sides, then give them advice. It they are meant to be together, they can solve the problem.

I hope we have agreement on this.


2d ago Used-2b-Muslim:

     Can you explain the word “Islam” and “Muslim”?


2d ago Muslim-Converts:

     Certainly. I would be happy to.

From the root “seen”, “lam”, “meen” —there many words coming from this 3 letter root. “ISLAM” and “MUSLIM” are only two of them.

Let’s start with “Islam”, in English it would take a book to talk about the actual meaning of this word. But we can summarize it with 5 words: “Surrender”, “Submit”, “Obey”, “Sincerity” and “Peace”.

“Muslim” is on who surrenders to Allah, submits to Allah, obeys Allah, is sincere with Allah and finally, is at peace with what ever Allah designates for him.


2d ago Used-2b-Muslim:

     Based on my understanding of what has been presented to me now, I realize the devil was trying to get me away from Islam.

I really want to be the one wh