A Jew Says Pale$tin3

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Jew says this smClick Video (turn on volume)

Islam Newsroom sm

Jew says this

Watch this video - to the end!

(be sure to UNMUTE the SOUND)

He started by saying:                                                

“We are growing in numbers . .”

“. . growing in urgency . . .”

“ .. growing in power . .”

“..only feeling..

“. . Horrified enraged . .”

 determined like never BEFORE . .”

“. . As Israel  Inflicts . .”

“ . . violence unimaginable . .”

“ . . against 2.3 million . .”

“ . . people of . .”


Here's what else he said:

I’m so happy to be here tonight — as one of anti-Zonist Jews.”

“We refuse to stand by silently - As Israel inflicts unimaginable violence against the 2.3 MILLION people of GAZA!” . .

. . Who have been under blockade since 2007 . . majority of them already refugees from the Nakba! . . as Israel murders thousands of Gazan children, elders, journalists, parents, doctors, teachers, entire families - So many still trapped under the rubble, so many starving, so many ill with no medical care!

. . We grieve ever single life - a whole world - and it is from this grief - we denounce 75 years of Israeli apartheid and occupation — and created the conditions for this crisis . .

.  . With our whole beings we reject Zionism itself as a racist, and colonial ideology . .

. . . We will not be used as a moral cover for the oppression of Palestinian people . .

.  .  .  NOT IN OUR NAMES!  .  . ."

.  . In Washington, DC I had the great honor to support 18 elder Jewish women as they chained themselves to the White House to demand until President Biden will stop this GENOCIDE . . and call for an immediate and permanent CEASEFIRE! These women, many older than the state of Israel, many of them children of the Holocaust . . many of them who lived through the horrors of the . . _________

Entire program

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