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USCMO Congratulates Syria

Islam Newsroom sm

This is a partial quote from their website:

(Washington, D.C., 12/8/2024) The US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), the nation’s umbrella group of Muslim associations is congratulating the Syrian people on securing the end of 53 years of brutal tyranny with the defeat of Bashar Al Assad’s regime.

Our brother Jammal, who is the USCMO secretary general, says:

“The new Syria government that forms should be truly independent, free from foreign occupation, and pursue justice for all its people, regardless of differences of creed, social standing, political beliefs, and communal origin. Each community and every individual must be secure in their lives, property, and political and human rights.

“We ask God for His mercy upon beloved Syria and its people, and that He guides the people and its new leaders upon the pathways of peace.”

image USCMO statement 1
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