"God's Will Be Done"

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Islam Newsroom ~ {News We Need - When We Need It}

Secret is OUT - "ISLAM" Exposed
ISLAM this morning 2

"Islam" - according to Google is . .

  • Islam means - submission to God's Will, in peace
  • New Testament Bible - Matthew 6:10

Islam is a verb and a noun at the same time.

"Islam" from ("aslama"; a verb): submission; surrender; obey; sincerity, in peace, to God.

Quran says for Muslims to call themselves as followers of "Islam" ~ "Islam-ers" in English, In Arabic a prefix of "mu" denotes anyone submiting to God's Will is a "MU-SLIM"


"Islam" is Arabic for "Submission to God's Will - 10 commandments and worship of ONE GOD



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