Donald "Trumps Himself" with Deleted Repeated Tweeted 9/11 Comment

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'The Donald' Trumps'Himself

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Deleted Repeated ReTweeted

Offensive COMMENTS ON 9/11

ISLAM NEWSROOM -- “The Donald Trumps Himself with Deleted Repeated Tweeted Comments on 9/11”

“What do you say about USA with “The Donald” as Commander-in-Chief (president)?”


 -- Donald Trump (know to his friends as 'The Donald'), candidate for president of the United States, deleted a repeated tweet on Twitter about September 11th, 2001.

The tweet was actually retweeted last Friday and stayed there for some time before it was deleted.

The original said, “I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11.”

 Trump Repeated Retweeted deleted

And now the “Re-Tweet” — “@realDonaldTrump: I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.”

The Donald’s campaign spokesperson finally offered an explanation saying, “It’s from several years ago”, but would say nothing more on the topic.


Trump also reminded his supporters to watch him with Jimmy Falon: "The Donald's Selfy Interview" - on the Friday edition of the “Tonight Show”.

 [wanna watch it? - click image below]

The Donald interview lrg


“What do you say about USA with “The Donald” as Commander-in-Chief (president)?”

OK -- What do YOU say about this?
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