Young Texas Sister in Coma Needs DUA please

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Sister Aminah Ahmed
Hospitalized After Graduation

She Needs Our Duas
sister Aminah Ahmed in coma needs dua2



Young Texas Muslimah Graduate in Coma - Needs Dua NOW

Sister Aminah Ahmed just graduated from UTA (University of Texas at Arlington, Texas).

No one knew when she went to sleep last night - SHE WOULDN'T WAKE UP!

A brain aneurysm put her in a deep coma. Now she's on life support in the Intensive Care Unit at PLaza Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas.

Sheikh Omar Suleiman posted a request for dua's for our sister -

I'm saying let's make the dua and then get this message out all over the world!


LET'S DO IT - LET'S MAKE THIS STORY GO VIRAL (Rate & share - if you care)

sister in coma needs dua 3

Prayer request from Omar Suleiman on Facebook

Major dua request:

This picture is of a young sister Aminah Ahmed graduating yesterday from University of Texas in Arlington.

Last night she went to sleep with a headache but she didn't wake up.

She had a brain aneurysm and is in a coma on life support at the ICU at Plaza Medical Center in Fort Worth.

Please please pray for Aminah to fully recover and make dua for her family.

This is very difficult to come to terms with for them and is a reminder to all of us how quickly things can change.

May Allah cure her and return her to her full capabilities and comfort her family. ameen

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#6 hs 2015-05-22 11:14
She is dead :(
May Allah grant her Jannah
#5 umu mussa 2015-05-20 18:03
Bismillah I am asking Allah subhanaa
wa taalah will cure her, Insha Allah
#4 H SUHAIMI H IBRAHIm 2015-05-20 03:29
Bismillaah..Bis millaahi Syafi.Bismillaa hil Kaafi.Bismillaa hil Mua'aafi. Yaa Allah..Yaa Raab. Please ask for Khusuusan Aminah Ahmad recover from her illness and pain. Woke her up as normal with Your Merciful and Rahmah Yaa Allah. Aamiin
#3 Shahpor Mobasseri 2015-05-18 14:34
Va Eza Marezto Fahova Vashfeen
My family and I have been praying for her and her family since we learned about this. May Allah cure her? If we can be helpful, please let us know.
#2 Yusuf Estes 2015-05-17 15:45
She graduated UTA yesterday! Went to sleep last night - NEVER WOKE UP!
Now in ICU at PMC Ft. Worth, Texas with Brain aneurysm - In Coma - Needs Dua NOW
Now she's on life support in the Intensive Care Unit at Plaza Medical Center in Fort Worth, 
RIGHT NOW - SHE NEEDS ALLAH'S SUPPORT! So let’s make dua - Then make this go viral. Share - If you CARE.
Islamnews e-need/2382
#1 Yusuf Estes 2015-05-17 15:17
Bismillah Salam alaykum brothers and sisters. Please 'Rate' this story to make it go viral in search engines (like Google) to get more people to read and make dua.
If Allah accepts someone's dua and saves this sister, it would be a reward shared by all those who help her.
And any way, we all get rewards for the intention, right?
So, what are you waiting for? RATE IT AND SHARE IT ON FACEBOOK NOW PLEASE.

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