Islam Newsroom UPDATE - Sunday October 6, 2024 -
A question from non-Muslim says, '' But I love Him".
I want to know about Islam and Muslims. Born in U.S.A, lived in Saudi for 6 years. And still not sure of beliefs of Muslims.
But I love this Muslim guy.
How is he supposed to act around women? I really love this Muslim man. I hope you reply back to me.
Bismillah Rahman Raheem. In the Name of God, The Most Merciful, The Most Gracious.
Dear “LOVE HIM”. Thank you. Your question about what Muslim men should and should not do with women, is very good.
“Quick Answer” is: “Yes. A lady non-Muslim Christian or Jewish can marry a Muslim.”
BUT, do not take this lightly. We give answers, to help you understand what being married to a Muslim is all about.
I just spoke to a religious leader in New Jersey. He said: “In Ramadan we don't eat, drink or have relations with our spouses in day light hours. And we enjoy these things at night. We Muslims avoid things of this life, so we can enjoy better things in the Next Life.”
Please take your time and learn more about the lifestyle of Muslims before committing yourself to something as serious as this.
Open your heart and mind to the One true God and ask Him to help and guide you to accept or reject the life, here (and Hereafter) with this Muslim man.
Answer: “Muslim Man's Actions With Women”
It’s better to know the truth about Islam & Muslims, then be embarrassed.
Islam is strict, compared to very loose morals of western society.
Compare Americas standards (or lack of them) to our traditions today.
Muslims must know our religion or we can’t really be true Muslims.
You might go to classes and learn sciences, real facts about earth, universe, our Creator and how we practice our faith and beliefs.
God (Allah) is first in everything. No jokes about our Allah, or His Book or Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
Islam is based on teachings in Quran. Details are explained by Muhammad, peace be upon him.
We have Quran (recitation of Allah's Speech to mankind) and Sunnah (teachings of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, showing meanings of the Quran).
Scholars help with individual details (from two sources: a 'fatwah').
-- Read Quran to help you better understand our answer - BEFORE you decide.
ISLAM is surrender, submit, obey, sincerely, and in peace.
ALLAH - Who Is Allah?
QURAN - What is it all about?
MUHAMMAD, peace be upon him - Who was he?
HADITH - Importance of Hadith
Main Commandments (arkam ul Islam) and taboos ('HARAM' - Arabic):
1) Worship one God, of Adam, and Muhammad (Quran)
2) No idols, statues, false gods, etc. (Bible & Quran)
3) Careful of God's names, attributes, for all Jews, Christians and Muslims
4) Must keep God's Day Holy and pray five times per day. Quran
5) Must fast Ramadhan. No eating, drinking, or marital relations in daylight hours.
· Must give charity, by one's wealth. Give to poor 2.5% from wealth.
· Must honor parents. Care for them, treat with kindness. (Bible & Quran)
· Must honor wife, like a Queen, give gifts, treat her the best way.
· Must perform pilgrimage (Hajj) to Makkah once in lifetime.
· Must care for needs of others, poor and elders, to one's ability. Their needs over yours.
· Must work, taking care of expenses for family.
(Wife does not have to work outside & she keeps her money)
· Must raise children as Muslims, to be good, honest, citizens (Quran 31 & hadith)
· No alcohol (Quran, hadith, rulings)
· No smoking (not healthy, Islamic Rulings)
· No drugs (accept for prescriptions) (see: hadith, rulings)
· No sex outside of marriage, not before or after, with anyone expect the spouse. (Bible, Quran, hadith, rulings)
· No dating (meeting women socially is not acceptable (interviews for marriage are the only exception)
· No physical contact with the opposite sex (even shaking hands between members of the opposite sex, distasteful to good Muslims.
· No musical instruments! (hadith ruling)
· No hanging out at pool parlors, pubs, etc. (hadith, rulings)
· No lying! Quran & hadith
· No insulting anyone! Quran 49
· No backbiting! (gheebah) Quran 49
· No envy (hasad) of others or what they have (Bible as above) Quran, surah 49, and chapter 113).
Now after reading all of the above Do's and Don'ts in Islam, I am quite sure that most civilized people in the West would not like to consider giving Islam another thought.
Think about, after all what fun is there in this life if you have to do God's Will on earth? Most would say, "Hey, I just want to party and have fun. Leave me alone, I'm happy and it doesn't matter.” — Not the attitude of a true Muslim. We are focused on the Life of the Next World, and how this life will add to our happiness in it.
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