Pig Torture (video)

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(video Not for Kids)

Islam Newsroom does not claim any responsibility for this video, article or its contents. Not recommended for children under 12.


Yusuf Estes - "Horrible! This video made me sick at my stomach. I know Muslims do not eat pork because we have been ordered not to by Allah. But seeing this would keep anyone from every eating pork, maybe even not eating meat ever again. I do not recommend this video to anyone with a weak stomach and definitely not to any children. Please do not show this video, except to those who will enact legislation against such horrid cruelty toward animals. Islam does not allow this type of treatment - even to pigs!"

A new Mercy For Animals undercover investigation provides a shocking look into one of the nation's largest pork producers -- Iowa Select Farms in Kamrar, Iowa. At this factory farm, mother sows and their piglets are forced to suffer brutal abuse and lives of unrelenting confinement and misery.

Between April and June of 2011, an MFA investigator documented:

- Mother sows confined to barren metal crates barely larger than their own bodies -- unable to turn around or lie down comfortably for nearly their entire lives