U.N Approves 'No Fly Zone'

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United Nations Just Approved
No Fly Zone in Libya

People of Libya were celebrating in the streets as news reached them concerning the approval of instituting a 'No-Fly Zone'
The vote was 10 to 0 with 5 members abstaining from voting.
Germany, Brazil, China, India and Germany were those who did not vote.


USA and UK showed approval of Arab League's call for United Nations 'No-Fly' zone over Libya.

The question now is, just how effective a no-fly zone over Libya will be as Libyan protestors have lost key cities and towns to Col. Muammar Qadaffi's forces.

Agence France-Presse reports that Libyan rebels fled the oil town of Brega Sunday, as Colonel Qadaffi's forces continued to advance toward the rebel-held city of Benghazi in the east. AFP notes that the rebels' morale had been bolstered by the Arab League's call for a no-fly zone, which came before the retreat from Brega.

The White House called the League's request an "important step" in dealing with the Libyan crisis, reports Reuters.

The international community is unified in sending a clear message that the violence in Libya must stop, and that the Qaddafi regime must be held accountable," the administration said in a statement.

Britain also welcomed the League's statement.

Reuters writes that British Foreign Secretary William Hague told BBC television that "We've said all along that one of the conditions for a no-fly zone must be broad support in the region."

"Clearly this is one indicator that there is broad support in that region," he said. "It's not the only condition. It's also necessary to have even broader international support and it's also necessary for it to be clearly legal."

Reuters notes that it is still unclear how Russia and China will respond to the Arab League's request. Both countries hold seats on the UN Security Council and are traditionally loath to involve themselves in what they consider other nations' domestic issues.

Both Britain and France pushed for European Union for support of a no-fly zone, though they did meet resistance from those worried about increasing the risk to Libyan civilians and getting entangled in an ongoing conflict in North Africa and the Middle East.

What is next for these people? Good question...

Make dua for them and for us and we will continue to report as much as we can, inshallah.

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#1 shahnaz muhammad 2011-04-04 19:15
Our sincere prayers to ALLAH the almighty for peace&tranquili ty in this world through islamic unity Ameen

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